
Humans are the youngest race to have been made, created from the soil by the the Gods of Life, Death and Nature. Created at first as a blank slate, an experiment to see what life could become when left alone, humans grew and thrived in this new experience. Humans have shorter lifespans than many other races and, therefore, many humans saw that time as precious. They created and adapted to the environment and took teaching from the other races, being able to learn magic like the elves though few had any natural magic to begin with. Unfortunately, due to Tir Na Noch and Hallowfell still being apart of the Prime Material Plane, Humans became affected by the energies of the regions, turning into creatures of chaos and impulse, that which made them so beloved by the gods. These beings became known as demons and began causing issues across the realm. The gods eventually employed the help of humans, elves, dwarves and Gnomes to fight against these creatures. Some humans were gifted the ability to manipulate the weave as the elves do, and were know as Divine Soul Sorcerers . The Sundering, as the event came to be know, changed many of the races that had fought. While many of the Divine Soul Sorcerers lived on and were able to continue their lineage, many of the Elves became corrupted, the dwarves grew into what we no today as Orcs, and the Gnomes goblinkin.
50 - 80 years
Average Height
1.6 - 2.1 meters
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