Timeline of the Universe

Age of Awakening

... 1200

  • -1200 PD

    The Great Awakenign
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Great Awakening was the birth of the gods and the universe.

  • 0 PD

    The Forging of the World
    Era beginning/end

Age of Divinity

1201 11700

  • 10454 AD

    Hollow's Rise
    Artistic creation

  • 10499 AD

    Withdrawal of the Celestials
    Religious event

Age of Silence

11701 13890

  • 0 AS

    Gift of the Evermuse
    Artistic creation

  • 213 AS

    The Sundering
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 213 AS

    218 AS

    Elven Exodus
    Population Migration / Travel

Age of Arcana

14239 19053

  • 4811 AA

    4814 AA

    Barthen's Betrayal
    Disaster / Destruction

Current Era

19054 and beyond

  • 591 AB

    596 AB

    Purge of the Deathless
    Military: War

  • 1054 AB

    Year of the Shadow Moon
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 1055 AB

    18 /4

    Liberation of Calemia