Alastair Peasbury Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Alastair Peasbury

Sept Alastair Peasbury

Related Character Bio

Once a drunken and destitute soul, Alastair's life took a downward spiral after the untimely death of his parents, who provided him with a stable upbringing in a middle-class household. Bereft of purpose and consumed by grief, he descended into homelessness, numbing his pain with alcohol. It was only through the intervention of Caelia that his life began to turn around, as she offered him guidance and redemption.  


Sept Alastair bears the marks of age upon his weathered visage. Partially bald, with wisps of white hair clinging to the sides of his head like a monk's tonsure, his long grey beard flows down his chest. His eyes, though weary, still hold a glint of unwavering faith. Despite his humble appearance, his attire—a well-maintained grey tunic—carries an air of dignity, polished as if to reflect his newfound devotion.  


Rumored to be a descendant of House Peasbury, Alastair is said to trace his lineage back to Lord Robin Peasebury, the last known Lord of Poddingfield. House Peasbury's history is marked by loyalty to House Baratheon during the War of the Five Kings, remaining steadfast in their allegiance to Renly and later Stannis Baratheon, despite the rise of the Lord of Light. Many Peaseburys met a fiery end as sacrifices to the Lord of Light, igniting Alastair's deep-seated animosity towards followers of R'hllor.  


Sept Alastair's transformation from a broken man to a devoted follower of the Faith of the Seven fuels his mission to eradicate the influence of R'hllor and ensure the triumph of the true faith. Guided by Caelia's wisdom and driven by his fervent belief, he seeks to cleanse himself of his past sins and fulfill his destiny in service to the divine.
Year of Birth
343 AC 78 Years old


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