Bitterbridge Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


Bitterbridge, formerly known as Stonebridge, is the seat of House Caswell in the Reach. Bitterbridge is situated where the river Mander meets the Roseroad. It takes its name from an ancient stone bridge that crosses the Mander. The castle is made of stone. The Keep is tall, on top of a hill, and the land is low and flat, which makes it seem even taller. The Hogs Head, a disreputable inn, was the first building destroyed in the sack of Bitterbridge. The town's sept was also destroyed by dragonflame. Similar to it's sister city of Tumbleton, almost all major trade and commerce from the Reach to the Capital goes through the City.  

The Reach
Alternative Name(s)
Large city
Owning Organization


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