Corleys Celtigar

Lord Corleys Celtigar

Character Info

Lord Corleys Celtigar, aged 72, stands as a fading beacon of a bygone era within House Celtigar. Once a formidable figure of wealth and power, he played a pivotal role in supporting King Aegor Targaryen during his bid to reconquer Westeros. His influence and resources were instrumental in the success of the Targaryen cause, earning him a place of honor and respect among his peers.   However, the passage of time has not been kind to Lord Corleys. As he enters his twilight years, he finds himself plagued by the cruel grip of medium-case dementia, a condition that slowly erodes the faculties of his once sharp mind. Memories slip through his grasp like grains of sand, leaving behind a fragmented recollection of his former glory.   Gone are the days of strategic prowess and political maneuvering, replaced by moments of confusion and disorientation. Lord Corleys struggles to recognize even those closest to him, his once booming voice now reduced to a whisper as he drifts further into the fog of forgetfulness.   Despite the tragedy of his decline, Lord Corleys remains a figure of reverence within House Celtigar, his contributions to their legacy and the realm at large not forgotten. His family stands by his side, offering comfort and support as they bear witness to the slow unraveling of a once great mind.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Extended Family
House Sigil

Old Blood, New Tides
Year of Birth
349 AC 73 Years old

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