Ferrego Otherys

Sealord of Braavos, Sealord of Lorath Ferrego Otherys


Lord Otherys has often been described as a rather odd lord with odd tastes. Rarely is his oddity a center of mockery by others when brought up, but rather a widely accepted and distinctive feature of his person. Many theorize that it is a result of his rather isolated upbringing that often stems from wealth. Others theorize it is a result of his strange intellect. Having spent many of his younger years studying languages, people, and strategy, of which many attribute his intelligence from, they also attribute his lack of social skills and his total strangeness with it as well. Outside of these oddities, he was rather average in most every other way. An individual nobody would pick out of a crowd as being exceptional in any way.
364 AC 418 AC 54 years old
Circumstances of Death
Murdered - Found poisoned in his home


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