Harrenhal Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


The largest castle in the Seven Kingdoms, it is located in the riverlands, on the north shore of the Gods Eye lake. Since it's burning by dragonfire in Aegon's Conquest, however, it has become a dark and ruinous place. Even still, the castle's holdings are some of the richest in Westeros, claiming vast tracts of green fertile land which reach as far as the hills of House Wode near the crownlands. Harrenhal is immensely strong. The castle has five towers of dizzying size, with equally monstrous curtain walls. The walls are incredibly thick and its rooms are built on a scale that would be more comfortable for giants than humans. Harrenhal has the largest chamber in Westeros, larger than the Red Keep's throne room. The castle covers three times as much ground as Winterfell and its buildings are so much larger that they can scarcely be compared. Its stables can house a thousand horses, its godswood covers twenty acres, and it's kitchens are as large as Winterfell's Great Hall.  

The Riverlands
Large city
Owning Organization


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