Hellholt Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


Hellholt, also called the Hellholt, is the seat of House Uller in southern Dorne. The castle is located near the source of the river Brimstone, east of Sandstone and west of Vaith. Although grim and stinking, the Hellholt is a strong castle, with thick walls and a large garrison. Many armies have attempted to march on the castle, most have failed, as the extreme heat of the Dornish Desert is usually too much for foreign armies to handle. And anyone that makes it too the castle alive, will usually find it abandoned and stripped of all resources. A major trading hub for Dorne, the Brimstone River, known for its sulphurous waters, sits next to the castle, allowing for ships to travel down it too the Sea.  

Owning Organization


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