Hightower Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


The Hightower is a massive stepped tower with a beacon on top to guide ships into port. The color of the beacon's fire is changeable, as green flame was onced used to call House Hightower's banners. Now the flames are a combination of red, brown and gold for House Bracken. The labyrinthine square fortress of unadorned black stone at the castle's foundation contains gloomy halls, vaults, and chambers. The Hightower contains a high hall. The top of the tower contains the apartments of the Lord of the Hightower. Deep vaults are located underground.   The Hightower is the tallest structure in the Seven Kingdoms, even higher than the seven-hundred-foot Wall, and it is the tallest tower in the known world. The people of Oldtown can tell the time of day by the tower's shadow, and some claim that the Wall can be seen from its top. Casterly Rock, however, is three times taller than the Hightower or the Wall.   Many speculate that the Hightower is one of the nine Wonders Made by Man written about by Lomas Longstrider.   The foundation of the Hightower is a fortress of black stone of uncertain origin on Battle Isle. The stone is reminiscent of Valyrian roads and the Black Walls of Volantis. A possible Valyrian origin is supported by the claim of Maester Jellicoe that Oldtown began as a trading post for ships of Valyria, Old Ghis, and the Summer Isles, predating the arrival of the First Men to Westeros. Septon Barth claimed Valyrians came to Westeros because their priests prophesied that the Doom of Man would come out of the land beyond the narrow sea.   In contrast to the Valyrian theory, Archmaester Quillion suggests the fortress was made by the mazemakers. Maester Theron suggests it was created by Deep Ones, citing its similarities to the Seastone Chair. Some smallfolk believe the Hightower simply appeared.   Since 420 AC, Prince Alexander Bracken has claimed the massive fortress as his home, spending most of his time there and within Oldtown. Many believe the Prince is here to help run the financial sector of his father's Kingdom. In actuality, Alexander not only prefers the climate, compared to the rest of the Realm but to help treat his injuries from his sickness, he seeks the finest Maesters in all the Known World from the Citadel.  

The Reach
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