House Mallister

House Mallister of Seagard is one of the oldest and most distinguished noble families in the Riverlands, with a proud history dating back to the Age of Heroes. Their ancestral seat, Seagard, was constructed as a fortress to defend the western coast of the Riverlands from the ironborn, who frequently raided the shores. The Mallisters have long been renowned as fierce defenders of their lands and skilled seafarers, with a strong naval tradition that has been passed down through the generations.   Throughout the centuries, House Mallister has played a significant role in the politics of the Riverlands, often acting as a counterbalance to the power of House Tully of Riverrun. Their loyalty to their liege lords, however, has remained steadfast, and they have served the Tullys faithfully in times of war and peace.   During the War of the Five Kings, Lord Jason Mallister fought bravely in the service of King Robb Stark, defending the Riverlands from the Lannisters and their allies. However, the defeat of the Stark-Tully alliance and the subsequent destruction of House Tully during the Red Wedding marked a turning point for the Mallisters. Seagard remained strong, but the family was forced to navigate the treacherous waters of the post-war Riverlands, aligning themselves with new powers to ensure their survival.   In the years that followed, the Mallisters found themselves at a crossroads, as the Riverlands were ravaged by conflict and power struggles. When Otho Bracken, a ruthless and ambitious lord, seized King's Landing and declared himself King of Westeros, House Mallister chose to support his claim. This decision was not made lightly, but the Mallisters recognized the need to align with a strong leader who could bring stability to the war-torn realm.   Today, House Mallister remains one of Otho Bracken's most loyal supporters, standing by him as he consolidates his rule over Westeros. Like many houses within the Riverlands, the Mallisters are closely related to their fellow Riverlords, their blood ties and alliances binding them to the fate of the region. Their support of Otho Bracken reflects their pragmatic approach to the shifting tides of power, as they seek to maintain their influence and protect their ancestral lands in an uncertain world.
House Sigil

Above the Rest
The Riverlands
Manuscript, Historical


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