House Plumm

House Plumm, originally a minor noble house in Westeros, rose to unexpected prominence due to the shrewdness and adventurous spirit of Brown Ben Plumm. Once a notorious sellsword and leader of the Second Sons, Brown Ben navigated the treacherous political and military landscapes of Essos with remarkable skill. His fortunes took a turn for the better when he accumulated significant wealth through mercenary work and strategic alliances, eventually marrying into House Otherys of Braavos, a powerful and affluent family.   This marriage solidified House Plumm's wealth and influence, securing their place among the elite families of Braavos. The union of these two houses brought together not just gold, but also a diverse heritage, as the Plumm line now claimed blood from various regions across the known world. The Plumm family became a unique amalgamation of Braavosi, Summer Islander, Ibbenese, Qohorik, Dornish, Dothraki, and Westerosi bloodlines, embodying a truly cosmopolitan lineage.   One of the most intriguing claims of House Plumm is their supposed connection to the Targaryen bloodline. The family often boasts of having a drop of dragon blood, citing that an ancient Plumm ancestor married a "dragon princess." Though the details of this union are deliberately vague, it is whispered that the marriage took place during the reign of Aegon IV Targaryen, a time when royal liaisons were both numerous and controversial. This connection to the Targaryens is said to be the reason why dragons have an unusual affinity for the Plumm family—a trait that is still believed to be present through the generations.   Today, House Plumm is not only wealthy but also culturally rich, their lineage reflecting the diverse and storied history of the lands from which they descend. Their reputation for adaptability and survival is matched only by their enigmatic past, making them one of the most intriguing houses in both Westeros and Essos. The legacy of Brown Ben Plumm endures, his descendants living comfortably in Braavos and beyond, their fortunes secured by the alliances and wealth he so carefully crafted.
House Sigil

Come Try Me
The Runefort
Manuscript, Historical


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