House Qhoqua

House Qhoqua, once a minor family in the Summer Islands, underwent a dramatic transformation following the arrival of Aurane Waters in 305 AC. A former Grand Admiral of the Royal Fleet in Westeros, Aurane brought with him unparalleled military expertise, financial resources, and a fleet of ships that the Summer Islands had never before seen. His union with Princess Pele Qhoqua established a new dynasty, combining the seafaring traditions of Westeros with the exotic culture of the Summer Islands.   Under Aurane's leadership, House Qhoqua rapidly expanded its influence across the Summer Islands. His children and grandchildren continued this legacy, embarking on campaigns that gradually brought most of the islands under their control. The Qhoqua dynasty was not content with mere regional dominance; they also engaged in several small but significant conflicts with southern Dornish houses, asserting their power even beyond the seas of the Summer Islands.   By the 420s AC, House Qhoqua had solidified its status as a powerful and prosperous nation. Their navy, descended from the fleet Aurane Waters brought from Westeros, grew into a formidable armada of warships, capable of defending their territories and projecting power across the Narrow Sea. Their economic influence was bolstered by strategic agreements with Lys, Pentos, and even the Iron Throne itself, ensuring a steady flow of wealth and resources into their coffers. But one of its greatest wealth is it's trade agreements with House Dalt and Dorne as a whole. Since the rise of House Dalt, the "trade" of "goods" between regions has been steady and profitable.   Unlike other families or houses in the Summer Islands, House Qhoqua adopted the martial traditions of Westeros, donning iron and steel armor—a symbol of their enduring connection to the legacy of Aurane Waters. These armors, passed down through generations, serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience that built the Qhoqua empire.   Now, over a century after Aurane Waters first set foot on the Summer Islands, House Qhoqua remains a dominant force, their legacy one of conquest, diplomacy, and a blend of cultures that has created a unique and enduring power in the southern seas. Their navy continues to guard their shores, and their influence stretches far beyond the islands, shaping the politics and economy of the surrounding regions. House Qhoqua stands as a testament to the enduring impact of Aurane Waters and the strength of his descendants. Many of the royal family members still share his purple Valyrian eye color, a century later.  

Famous Swan Ships of House Qhoqua, known for their speed and ability to over take enemy ships on the open seas.
House Sigil

Summer Isles
Manuscript, Historical


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