Lemonwood Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


Lemonwood is a town located in the southwestern region of Dorne. The town is situated on the coast and surrounded by lemon groves, which give the town its name. Although relatively small in size, Lemonwood is an important location due to its position on the coast and its proximity to stepstones. Now, has a a large port that serves as a trading hub for the local farmers and merchants, and its economy is largely based on agriculture and trade. However, in recent years, Lemonwood has gained a reputation as the capital of the opium trade in Westeros. The fertile lands surrounding the town are ideal for growing poppies, which are used to produce opium. This has led to the power of House Dalt as one of the strongest house of the 7 Kingdoms. The castle is especially hard to siege as there is only one way in and out of it and House Dalt keeps are large and well armed garrison of troops there in case of pirate attacks.  

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