Lylian Banefort Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Lylian Banefort

Lady Lylian Banefort- Blacktyde (a.k.a. The Shadow)

Backup Character Bio

Lylian Blacktyde, only daughter to the late Ser Harald Blacktyde, is a calculating and intelligent woman. She is well beyond her years and many underestimate her for her youth and beauty. She met Tyrus when they were but children, but fell in love with him over the years and was overjoyed when they were to be wed. This act signaled a unification between many of those in the Iron Islands that had yet to pledge themselves to the late Lord Marcus Banefort. It was not long after this that he assembled an army and led an assault that ended with all of her siblings and father being slain in battle. Now the last of her line, her love and protection for her family knowns no bounds. It is rumored that she is intertwined with dangerous organizations, working from behind the scenes to protect her family by any means necessary. She is known as, ‘The Shadow,’ though her exact involvement is not even known by her husband.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
House Sigil

No Better Friend, No Fiercer Foe
Player (Current)
Year of Birth
398 AC 23 Years old


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