Maidenpool Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


Maidenpool is a town in the eastern riverlands situated along the southern shore of the Bay of Crabs. The castle at Maidenpool sits on a hill, and the town is walled. There are two roads leading to King's Landing from Maidenpool, one a faster road which goes through Duskendale and the other which travels along the coast. Maidenpool has a busy harbor and pink stone walls. The town is famed for its sweetwater bathhouse, Jonquil's Pool. According to legend, Florian first spied the fair Jonquil bathing with her sisters in a sweetwater pool. Jonquil fell in love with Florian. Jonquil's Pool is now a bathhouse said to have healing properties. Maidenpool has a tavern called the Stinking Goose and numerous inns, including one near the Fool's Gate. King Consort Lucaelarr Targaryen is known to spend weeks at the Castle, claiming it gives me time to read and write. Fisherfolk northwest of Maidenpool fish the waters in leather coracles, while others collect clams.  

The Riverlands
Owning Organization


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