Ned Stark

The Marsh-Walker of the Neck Ned Stark


  Ned Stark, the great-grandson of Bran Stark, is a man of enigmatic presence and deep connection to the old ways of the North. Unlike his forebears, Ned did not take reside in the ancestral seat of Winterfell but instead to dwell in the mist-laden marshlands of the Neck, among the crannogmen of House Reed. His wife had passed away some years before, but he was still surrounded by his children and his grandson.   Physically, Ned Stark is unassuming, often mistaken for a commoner due to his simple attire of roughspun wool and mud-splattered boots. His eyes, however, betray a different story; a sharp, piercing gray, they seem to look through those he meets, as if seeing both their past and the future paths they might walk. His gaze is unsettling, yet it draws people in, a legacy of his bloodline’s connection to Bran Stark, the last Three-Eyed Raven.   Ned’s mannerisms are peculiar, marked by cryptic remarks that often leave those around him puzzled or unnerved. He speaks of things that haven’t happened yet or whispers warnings that hint at knowledge far beyond the mortal plane.   Despite his oddities, Ned Stark is respected among the crannogmen, who recognize in him the wisdom of the old gods and the mysticism of his great-grandfather.
House Sigil

House Motto
Winter is Coming
Year of Birth
376 AC 46 Years old


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