New Cider Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

New Cider

Cider Hall is the seat of House Fossoway (Reds) of Cider Hall in the Reach. It is located near the confluence of the Cockleswhent and the Mander. The castle is named after the alcoholic beverage. Cider Hall, reminiscent of The Twins of House Frey, bestrides the banks of the River Cockleswhent. The Fossoways live simply in their beautiful castle, surrounded by expansive fields and lush apple orchards. Outside the castle, a statue of Foss the Archer, legendary founder of house Fossoway, bends his bow eastwards, a reminder to the lords of the area that the Fossoways control this river. A large tournament grounds for jousting runs along the back of the castle up a small hill.  

The Reach
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)


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