Norvos Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


Norvos, called Great Norvos by its people, is one of the nine Free Cities. Norvos sits among the Hills of Norvos, upon the eastern banks of the river Noyne, a tributary of the massive Rhoyne, and is surrounded by limestone hills, dark forests of oak, pine, and beech. Located between Pentos and Qohor, it serves as a gateway for caravans and travelers going east-west on the ancient Valyrian roads. Norvos is made up out of two parts, joined only by a massive stone stair, known as the Sinner's Steps. The high city, where the ancient nobility of Norvos lives, is ringed about by mighty stone walls, and located on the tallest hill in the region. The lower city is located three hundred feet below, at the base of the hill, by the river, spread out along the muddy shores.  

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