Ny Sar Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Ny Sar

Ny Sar is a city in Essos at the confluence of the Rhoyne and the Noyne rivers. It contained the palace of Princess Nymeria, which like most of the city, was destroyed by the Valyrian Freehold thousands of years prior. Over the last 15 years, the city, as well as the palace, have been rebuilt or restored to his former glory. The financial backing for this is unclear but the city is now under the control of the Golden Company and it's leader, Prince Revan Blackfyre. With it's strategic position on two major rivers, it has become a major trading hub in the East. The Bard, Siegfried "Black" Swann, who spent several months in the city, described it as a "City of fountains, alive with song" and "smelling of peaches and incense from the Far East, with streets made of water and houses of gold." A statue of Revan Blackfyre, atop a dragon, sits next to Nymeria's Palace.  

Rebuilt as it is currently


Destroyed and overgrown

Owning Organization


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