
Oathkeeper is a Valyrian steel longsword, which was forged by Tobho Mott from Eddard Stark's greatsword, Ice, along with a smaller blade, Widow's Wail. It has grey-black and red ripples through the steel, with the red almost as dark as the grey. Its scabbard glitters gold and is decorated with a row of lion's heads and smoldering red rubies. The pommel has a golden lion's head with ruby eyes that shine like two red stars. After Ser Jamie Lannister is given the sword by his father, he decides to give it to Brienne of Tarth, charging her with finding the whereabouts of Sansa Stark, asking her to name the sword "Oathkeeper". Jaime notes the appropriateness of protecting Eddard Stark's daughter with his own steel. Years later, House Tarth and House Fossoway would join in marriage and the sword was given to Ser Duncan on his 16th nameday.  

Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder


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