Old Oak Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Old Oak

Old Oak is the seat of House Oakheart, an ancient house that traces its ancestry to Garth Greenhand, one of the founders of many noble houses in The Reach. The main town of House Oakheart is called Branche and is an important economic center on the Ocean Road from the Reach to Lannisport. Castle Oakheart, has large towers with pointed green roofs. Within the tall curtain walls are multiple courtyards, which often have trees, gardens, and pools. The castle is surrounded by a dry moat and has two gates, one protected by a barbican which features two relief sculptures of oak trees. Branche, the nearby town is filled with prosperous houses, with many middle class homes and a large manse for a notable merchant or knight. Visible from the castle, are extensive tourney grounds, which include tents for the participating knights and their entourage, jousting lanes, and a melee arena.  

The Reach
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)


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