Qohor Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


Qohor, also known as the City of Sorcerers, is the easternmost of the nine Free Cities located in western Essos. The city stands on the banks of the river Qhoyne, on the western edge of the Forest of Qohor. It is seen as a gateway to the east. Qohor is surrounded by strong stone walls. Maesters consider Qohor the most exotic of the Free Cities, due to its status as the western terminus for overland trade networks stretching all the way to Yi Ti. The dark arts, such as divination, blood magic, and necromancy, are believed to be practiced in the City. The Qohorik believe in a dark god, the Black Goat of Qohor, who demands a daily blood sacrifice. Sacrifices can be calves, bullocks and horses, on regular days, but condemned criminals on holy days. In times of crisis, the nobles of the city are willing to sacrifice their own children in the hopes that their god will defend the city. Qohorik forges are considered to have no equal.  

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