Riverrun Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


Riverrun is a strong three-sided castle, although not especially large. It is a tenth the size of Harrenhal. It is situated in the western riverlands, at the confluence of the Tumblestone and Red Fork rivers. In time of danger the sluice gates can be opened to fill a wide moat and leave the castle surrounded on all three sides by water, turning Riverrun into an island and leaving it practically unassailable. Riverrun's keep is located inside. Properly garrisoned, Riverrun can hold supplies for men and horses for as long as two years; a garrison of two hundred men is larger than Riverrun requires in most circumstances. The Great Hall is where large councils are held. There is a private audience chamber above the Great Hall with another high seat for the lord and a bell to ring for servants. The castle also contains kennels and stables.  

The Riverlands
Owning Organization


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