Sarrah Redwyne

Lady Sarah Celtigar- Redwyne

Character Info

Lady Sarrah Redwyne carries with her the grace and complexities of a life fully lived. Once celebrated across the Seven Kingdoms for her striking beauty, the years, along with the challenges she's faced, have brought a certain bitterness and discontentment to her demeanor. Despite this, Sarrah's love for her husband, Lord Aemon Celtigar, and their children, Aegor and Rhaella, remains unwavering, serving as the bedrock of her life amidst the stormy seas of Westerosi nobility.   Born into the prestigious House Redwyne, known for its vast wealth and influence through the wine trade, Sarrah was raised in the lush, vibrant Arbor, a stark contrast to the somber, rugged landscape of her married life on Claw Isle. Her marriage to Aemon Celtigar was both a strategic alliance and a genuine bond of love, blending the might of the Crownlands with the opulence of the Reach.   Sarrah's intelligence and savvy have been critical in navigating her family through the intricate politics of the realm. She has a keen understanding of the power dynamics at play and has often been the voice of reason and strategy within her house. However, the constant struggle for power and the gloomy ambiance of Claw Isle have taken their toll, leaving her yearning for the brighter, more vibrant life she once knew.   As sister to Robert Redwyne and aunt to Alerie, Luthor, and Patricia Redwyne, Sarrah maintains strong ties to her natal family, ties that have been both a source of support and a reminder of the life she left behind.   In the later stages of her life, Sarrah finds herself at a crossroads, reflecting on her choices and the paths still open to her. While her beauty may have faded in the conventional sense, her depth of character, intelligence, and enduring love for her family suggest a resilience that transcends external appearances.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Extended Family
House Sigil

Ripe For Victory
House Redwyne
Year of Birth
376 AC 46 Years old


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