Season 3 Intro

Game Setting

After the death of King Aegor Targaryen, the grandson of Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen, in 406 AC, almost 100 years after the War of the 5 Kings, his eldest Daughter, Visenya Targaryen, has become the Queen of the Realm & has waged wars in the North & Essos from 406 AC - 417 AC, conquering the Free Cities of Braavos & Tyrosh. The year is now 418 AC, & the conquest of Essos has slowed down after an assassination attempt on the Queen & her two daughters years ago. With her husband, King Consort Lucaelarr Targaryen & her lover & father to her youngest daughter, Prince Jay Dalt of Dorne, Queen Visenya has spent much of the last decade safe within the walls of the Red Keep, allowing her Hand, Lord Thomas Costayne & Lord Viceroy Richard Pryor to rule the Realm. But in the North, rumors of rebellion persist, as a young and ambitious Lord of Winterfell, Johnathan Stark & his uncle, Wildling Lord Titus Crowl, have begun to "liberate" parts of the North, from the Queen's Master of Spies, Lord Viceroy Richard Pryor, signalling that war has once again come to the North. In the East, the Sealord & Bankers of Braavos, now living in exile on the island of Lorath, plot their revenge against the same Lord Richard Pryor & plan to retake the grand city of Braavos. In the heart of Essos, a powerful & resourceful sellsword company, calling themselves the Golden Company, has become one of the dominant presences in the region. Led by young Revan Blackfyre, they have taken up contracts with several Free Cities like Braavos and Lys against the Targaryens. And on the border of the Dothraki Sea, an old but dangerous Ser Edward Ryswell, banished from his home, has made a lucrative living as a sellsword, long removed from the politics of the West.  

Starting Year

418 AC  

Season Length

330 days  

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