
Widow's Wail, one of two Valyrian blades reforged by Tobho Mott from Ice. After the fall of King's Landing to Daenerys Targaryen, the Valyrian longsword was claimed by House Targaryen and kept by the family for the last hundred years. The blade has a silver shine to it with red and black ripples through the steel. Its scabbard is garishly decorated with gold, cherrywood and red leather with golden flames. The eyes of the lions are rubies. The sword is now owned by Prince Aegar Targaryen, who wears it with pride as his father did before him.   The sword once belonged to Vaegon Targaryen, but upon his death during the war of Summer's End it was sent to his son Aegar who renamed it Summer in honor of his father, the Summer King. Horro Mopatis financed, as a gift, Aegar's request to have the hilt of the sword adjusted and modified in honor of his father and heritage as a Targaryen of Summerhall.  

Current appearance


Original appearance

Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder


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