Summerhall Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


Summerhall is a castle in the Stormlands located near the Red Mountains. A lightly fortified castle used by House Targaryen as a summer castle and royal residence, it was destroyed in a great fire in 259 AC but was rebuilt and restored by the late King Raegar Targaryen around 396 AC. The palace has stone walls 30 feet high. There are two gates, the main gatehouse being the chief way in and out of the castle. There is one in the garden that is hidden by ivy. The palace has pillared galleries, pointed arches, and a tiled courtyard. There is a marble pool with a statue of a naked woman in its center. The pool is surrounded by six cherry trees. The Great Hall Inside it can hold eight long rows of trestle tables, four to each side of the central aisle, and the hall can seat 500 people. There is a private hunting area in the nearby woods used by the Prince.  

The Stormlands
Large city
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)


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