Tumbleton Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


Tumbleton is a flourishing market city with shops, septs, and inns, including the Bloody Caltrops and the Bawdy Badger. Considered the Crossroads of the Realm, similar to the city of Bitterbridge a half days rise away, it is a major trading hub for everything that can be bought and sold, especially grain and other food supplies. With Visenya's Wall, or the Southern Wall as the smallfolk called it, built along it's border, it's one of the more impregnable strongholds in the Realm. It is located fifty leagues southwest of King's Landing, which is especially ideal for trade and it's near the Reach's northeastern border with the Crownlands. Tumbleton is found at the headwaters of the Mander.  

The Reach
Owning Organization


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