Volantis Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


Volantis or Old Volantis, is a city in southwestern Essos. Volantis is one of the greatest, richest, and most powerful of these city-states, and is the most populous. A port city, its large, deep harbor is ideally placed. Volantenes claim that the hundred isles of Braavos could be dropped into the harbor and disappear. The Black Walls of Volantis protect a large labyrinth of palaces, courtyards, temples, and cellars. The Black Walls are a great oval of fused black dragonstone, harder than steel or diamond, built two hundred feet high by the Valyrian Freehold. The Old Blood refers to some of the population in Volantis, noble families who can prove unbroken descent from old Valyria itself. Only those of the Old Blood are allowed to live within the Black Walls. Volantis is ruled by three triarchs, chosen annually through festive and tumultuous elections. All freeborn who own land, regardless of gender, are allowed to vote. There are 5 slaves for each freedman in Volantis. The Black Swann considers Volantis to be “strange and exotic”.  



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