Yeric Dondarrion

Lord of Blackhaven and Storm's End Yeric Dondarrion (a.k.a. The Slaver of Storm's End)


Yeric Dondarrion, a name that evokes a shadow over the history of the Stormlands, was a figure whose reign was marked by cruelty, ambition, and a relentless pursuit of power at any cost. His rule was characterized not by the honor and valor traditionally associated with House Dondarrion but by a series of dark deeds and policies that left a scar on the realm.   Born into the noble House Dondarrion, Yeric's early years hinted at a darker path ahead. Rumors swirled that he was responsible for the death of his own father, a deed that would earn him the sinister title of kinslayer, casting a long shadow over his rule and relationships. His ascension to lordship was tainted by this act, setting the stage for a reign that would be remembered for its tyranny rather than its triumphs.   One of Yeric's most notorious policies was the restoration of the First Night right, a barbaric practice where he claimed the right to bed the wife of a man on their wedding night. This heinous act not only sowed fear and resentment among his subjects but also underscored his disregard for the dignity and autonomy of those under his rule.   Further darkening his legacy was his involvement in the slave trade with Essos. Yeric saw in the smallfolk, criminals, and young women of his domain not subjects to protect but commodities to be sold to the highest bidder in the Free Cities. This cruel exploitation revealed a depth of greed and inhumanity that shocked even those accustomed to the harsh realities of noble rule in Westeros.   Yeric's military ambitions, particularly his repeated attempts to invade Dorne, ended in failure and embarrassment, diminishing his standing among the nobility and further straining his resources. These failed campaigns exposed not only his overreach but also the limitations of his military strategy and leadership.   Amidst his tyrannical rule, the Stag's Fury, a bandit/militia group led by Ser Kevin Baratheon, emerged as a significant resistance, employing guerrilla warfare tactics against Dondarrion's forces. This resistance movement, born out of desperation and defiance, symbolized the widespread discontent and desire for liberation from Yeric's tyranny.   The arrival of Aegor Targaryen and his forces in Westeros signaled the beginning of the end for Yeric Dondarrion. Recognizing the depth of his cruelty and unwilling to negotiate with a ruler of his character, the Targaryen forces laid siege to Storm's End, employing a strategy of attrition. Starved of food and supplies, Yeric's rule crumbled, marking a bleak end to a reign that would be remembered more for its darkness than any glory or honor it might have sought.   Yeric Dondarrion's biography serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of unchecked power and the legacy of tyranny. His reign, marked by cruelty, exploitation, and failure, stands as a dark chapter in the history of the Stormlands, a reminder of the depths to which a ruler can fall when consumed by ambition and devoid of empathy or honor.  

Family Ties

  • Wife: Rebecca Meadows
House Sigil

Date of Birth
29th of Eleventh Moon
Date of Death
7th of Third Moon
348 AC 392 AC 44 years old
Circumstances of Death
Combat - Killed in a duel with Kevin Baratheon


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