Asmoedus Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Asmodeus is the supposed god of tyranny and alleged ruler of the Nine Hells, or at least one of them. To our knowledge, we have never technically come into contact with any followers or direct experiences with Asmodeus, but any such events would most certainly not be welcome. The most closely related things we have interacted with so far are demons, but the Nine Hells typically tends to be more devil-based than demon-based.   As far as historical significance goes, Asmodeus being a ruler in the Nine Hells means he likely played an important role at some point, but the exact details are unknown to us. Asmodeus and his followers are typically represented by a set of 3 triangles toegther in a relatively tight formation.

Potential Aliases

"The Lord of the Ninth"
"Lord of Lies"
"The Archfiend"


Lawful Evil
Known Followers
Known Places of Worship


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