Bane Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Bane is usually depicted as a god of war and conquest, with many soldiers, generals, and tacticians alike, likely coming to ask for his help in times of lost hope for a battle. As far as we know, no one we have come across is in anyway associated with Bane and we have had no direct contact with him either. It's likely direct contact with Bane can't be good news anyway, so it is probably for the best we keep things this way if possible.   There is not really any known history on this god to us, but I wouldn't be surprised if he helped turn the tide of a battle here or there in some important wars from long ago. Bane's religious symbol is usually a set of three talons poitning downward in the form of a claw.

Potential Aliases

"Lord of Darkness"
"The Dark One"
"The Black Hand"


Lawful Evil
Known Followers
Known Places of Worship


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