Corellon Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Corellon is the elvish god of magic and the arts. No one that we know of, including the Menagerie themselves, have had any epxeriences with this god or even have any allegiance to him. Since he is a god of magic and an elvish one at that, he is likely much more liked in the northern part of Eisilfel as opposed to the south.   Corellon also to our knowledge has played no role in any historical events, but I would not be the least surprised to find he had a hand in helping the elves and the Auranos escape the Feywilds at the start of the Age of Discovery. Anyone who does wish to show some level of adoration for this god would show a symbol of an eight-pointed star.

Potential Aliases

"Ruler of All Elves"
"Father of Elven Kind"
"First of the Seladrine"


Chaotic Good
Known Followers
Known Places of Worship


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