Erathis Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Erathis is the goddess of civilization and invention, one often more respected than worshipped, especially by those aiming to help improve the world around them. As far as interactions go, Milo has likely at least heard of this god, but as mentioned previously, only probably out of respect. There are no known places of worship in Yuross connected to this goddess even though she is well thought of there by the plethora of inventors and innovators.   Erathis has no known historical significance to the party or Melora, as far as the party currently knows. Any religious symbols that are found for Erathis, which are relatively rare to see people wearing, are usually a symbol of the upper half of a clockwork like gear.

Potential Aliases

"The Lawbearer"
"The Law Bringer"
"Judge Supreme"


Lawful Neutral
Known Followers
Known Places of Worship


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