Gruumsh Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Gruumsh is known to be an orcish god of destruction, wanting nothing more then to see Melora reduced to a crumbled firey set of ruins. No one we know, and no party members have had an experiences with this god and hopefully we never will. The only chance we may have interacted with any followers was during our time in the Orndoth Domain Domain when we helped the people of Thallvestr with the orcs who had been invading their city.   No known historical events we know about currently indicate any influence from Gruumsh, but it's likely he was always a massive fan of wars and evocation magic if I had to take a guess, so perhaps he was interacting with people during those periods in history. The symbol representing Gruumsh is usually one of a triangle with bony protusions coming out of each of its sides.

Potential Aliases

"The One-Eyed God"
"The Cursed One"
"First Power of the Orcs"


Chaotic Evil
Known Followers
Known Places of Worship


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