Ioun Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Ioun is well known to certain members of our party as the goddess of knowledge. While many of us have not had any experiences with Ioun or any of her followers, Cain certainly has. During a time of need, Cain reached out to the Raven Queen using the Temple of Ioun in Andron and some of its members. Those members helped to essentially drown Cain so he could be pseudo-dead and speak with his new goddess.   As far as history goes, we know nothing about Ioun and her involvements in the world's development, but as a goddess of knowledge, she must have been useful and played a role at some point. The Temple of Ioun and it's followers usually use a crook-like shape with a stylized eye in it to represent their all-knowing goddess.

Potential Aliases

"The Knowing Mistress"
"The Knowing Mentor"


Known Followers
Known Places of Worship
Temple of Ioun in Andron
Temple of Ioun in Yuross
Temple of Ioun in Thaneas
Temple of Ioun in Huxford
Library of Ioun in the Arcane Academy
Library of Ioun in the Academy of Adept Sorcerers
Shrine of Ioun in Esterwell


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