Melora Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Melora is known to be a goddess of the wilderness and the sea, a deity who has a true love for nature and the things she creates. It is known that Melora grants many of those that use druidic magic their power, so it's likely groups of druids have at least a loose connection to the goddess. With druid circles in mind, it's likely many Efravan druids, including the ones responsible for the creation and use of the Staff of Neverending Growth, likely worshipped her. Alongside that, the druids well skilled in restoration magic in the soutern part of Eisilfel, near Yuross, should have some respect for Melora and may even worship her as it is known that at least some religious practices from Efravan druids spread south to the Knoll Grove Forest.   As far as the goddess's historical significance is concerned, we don't know a ton about her hisotrical influence, but Melora is likely partially responsible for the creation of the world we know and live in today, hence why it has been termed Melora, named after the one responsible for much of its natural features. Outside of that though, all other hands she may have had in the major events that have taken place in the world are a mystery to us. Melora and her followers are often represented by a wave-like swirl of some kind.

Potential Aliases

"The Wildmother"
"Mother of the Wilderness"


Known Followers
Known Places of Worship


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