Tharizdun Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Tharizdun is the alleged god of madness, letting all of his control simply slip away into a nevernding spiral of chaos. His direct interactions with the party are likely minimal, if any at all. The only member of the Menagerie who may have had direct contact with him could have been Shiro, seeing as he is believed to have had some connection to demons. Tharizdun is believed to be an inhabitant of the Abyss which is a place we have some experience with. While we have interacted with no followers of Tharizdun, his kin, demons, we have.   During our adventures in the city of Llurth Drier, a large fraction of the party found themselves battling some demonic moss that was ultimately attempting to weaken and break a piece of the Great Filter long enough for a crab-like demon creture to find it's way through. Unfortunately, for the Menagerie, the demonic moss was successful and the crab-like demon creature killed Shiro as he fought to defend the other members of the party in their attempt to escape following Cain's death in the same fight. After dealing with Shiro, the demon took off and the party has not seen it again since.   Tharizdun's involvement in other world events from the past is currently unknown to us although many would likely hedge a bet that he had some involvement in the issues currently being experienced on the continent of Lebesh, or at least those prior to the Great Filter. The increased demonic activity and shunted activity following the Great Filter does point to the demonic activity coming from a source such as the Abyss seeing as the Great Filter proved to be quite powerful, withstanding many blows from demonic creatures before being broken long enough to let the crab-like demon creature through into the Material Plane.   Tharizdun and any who might follow him religiously would usually represent it via a jagged counter-clockwise spiral.

Potential Aliases

"The Elder Elemental Eye"


Chaotic Evil
Known Followers
Known Places of Worship


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