Torog Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Torog is the god of the Underdark, ruling over a seemingly endless network of twisting and turning caves. Very little is known to the party regarding this place, but it is believed to lie somewhere near the city of Llurth Drier. The party has also had no interactions with this god or his followers to the best that we can tell, but interactions with him likely would not be pleasant, considering the run-ins the Menagerie had with some of the creatures down there (mostly notably the demons).   Seeing as he is god of the Underdark, he likely plays an important role in some events from Meloran history. He likely plays an important role in the early development of the drow, but that currently remains unclear. Those that follow Torog can be seen wearing the holy symbol of a letter T attached to a circular shackle.

Potential Aliases

"The Crawling King"


Neutral Evil
Known Followers
Known Places of Worship


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