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Manifestations of divine energy and positive ideals.

Written by starzomskiwrites

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Celestials are constructs of divinity, and as such do not need to reproduce.

Growth Rate & Stages

Celestials are constructs of divinity, and as such are created fully grown without the capacity for aging.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Celestials need not eat or drink to survive.


As embodiments of goodness, Celestials take actions that further their divine leaders in the pursuit of the good of mortals, other celestials, and the balance of the planes as a whole. Occasionally, a Celestial, in its zeal for goodness, could fall to the whims of Fiends and become fallen angels, though this does not happen often.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Celestials are created and abide within the Endless Sky, a plane of divine energy and home to many Gods of goodness. Lower-ranked Celestials also appear on the Material Plane to guide mortal beings on the path of goodness.

Average Intelligence

Many Celestials are very intelligent and very wise, far above the levels of most mortal beings.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Many celestials have darkvision, others are able to communicate telepathically, and the most powerful are also capable of truesight.
Average Physique
Celestials are often ethereally beautiful and graceful, and appear in forms that appear male, female, and otherwise.
Geographic Distribution


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