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Lucent Pantheon

Deity Alignment Province Suggested Domains Common Symbol
Avandra Chaotic Good Change, freedom, luck Nature, Trickery Woman's profile embossed on a gold coin or pendant
Bahamut Lawful Good Honor, justice Life, Order, War Silver dragon's head in profile
Corellon Chaotic Good Art, beauty, magic Arcana, Light Two crescent moons facing each other atop a four-pointed star
Erathis Lawful Neutral Civilization, law, peace Knowledge, Order, Peace Double-headed axe inset with a pattern of scales
Ioun True Neutral Knowledge, learning, teaching Arcana, Knowledge, Twilight Pair of open eyes crowned with a third open eye
Kord Chaotic Neutral Battle, competition, storms Tempest, War Four bolts of lightning radiating from the center of a shield
Melora True Neutral Seas, wilderness Life, Nature, Tempest Wreath of grass and grain affixed to a crook
Moradin Lawful Good Craft, creation Forge, Knowledge, Order, War Hammer with ends carved in the likeness of dwarven heads
Pelor Neutral Good Healing, sun Life, Light, Peace Bright, eight-pointed star
The Raven Queen Lawful Neutral Death, fate, winter Blood, Grave, Life, Twilight White, humanoid mask framed in black feathers
Sehanine Chaotic Good Illusion, moonlight, night Arcana, Moon, Twilight Crescent moon turned upward, strung like a bow

Articles under Lucent Pantheon


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