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Massive beasts that drift through the sky along the aether currents.

Basic Information


Anatomically, juvenile to adult skywhales are very similar to their aquatic counterparts. Elder skywhales are hundreds of feet longer, with many more fins along their body that even appear to be bioluminescent.

Genetics and Reproduction

The method of skywhale reproduction is yet unknown.

Growth Rate & Stages

Skywhales grow very slowly over their incredible lifespan. Juvenile skywhales are those in their first hundred years of life, and after that remain adults for thousands of years after the fact. After at least ten thousand years, skywhales begin their metamorphosis into an elder stage. They grow in length, and their fins begin to become bioluminescent. At around fifteen thousand years, the skywhale can be considered elder.

Ecology and Habitats

Skywhales, evidently, find their habitat among the sky. Typically swimming among the clouds, they passively glide along the aether currents and feast upon that aether as well as the clouds to support themselves. Skywhales are very docile, so juvenile and adult skywhales are common prey for dragons. Their docile nature does not typically put them at odds with airships. They have been documented to follow leylines as their migration paths.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Skywhales feast upon the moisture in the clouds and the aether within leylines to support themselves.


Skywhales are an incredibly docile species. They do not typically fight back when attacked.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Skywhales are found all across the skies of the Material Plane, as well as drifting through the plane of the Endless Sky.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Juvenile and adult skywhales hold typical perceptive capabilities, while elder skywhales have gained the ability of truesight.

An elder skywhale in the skies of the Endless Lands
Scientific Name
Balaenoptera aethera
Well beyond 15,000 years.
Average Length
Adult skywhales range from 70-100 feet long. Elder skywhales are typically 1,000 feet long or more.
Geographic Distribution


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