Storm Giants

Storm Giants or Jotnar as they are called in some countries. Storm giants are contemplative seers that live in places far removed from mortal civilization. They are benevolent and wise unless angered, in response to which the fury of a storm giant can affect the fate of thousands. Angering such folks end up being the cause of natural disasters.

Basic Information


Most have pale purple-gray skin and hair, and glittering emerald eyes. Some rare storm giants are violet-skinned, with deep violet or blue-black hair and silvery gray or purple eyes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Regular reproduction

Growth Rate & Stages

Storm Giants live for 600 years


Storm giants communicate infrequently with others of their kind. They do so usually to compare signs and omens or engage in a rare courtship. Storm giant parents stay together to raise a child to maturity, then return to the solitary isolation they cherish.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Amphibious: Storm Giants can breath underwater and air

Swim: Storm GIants can swim

Scientific Name