
Thayan was the fourth country on Eiorris however it was destroyed about a thousand years ago. The reason for it's destruction is unknown at this time but historians believe that they angered gods or some sort of magic when astray causing the deconstruction of the country leaving nothing but ruins and all the plants to wilt away.

Some people belive that there were surviers from the distruction of Thaya. These surviers would have made it to either Askr or Zalera and that they're desendets live amoung them..


Major language groups and dialects


Average technological level

believed deeply in the cyclical nature of life – nothing was ever born' and nothing ever died' – and this belief inspired their view of the gods and the cosmos. Their cosmological views, in turn, encouraged their imaginative efforts in architecture, mathematics, and astronomy.

Art & Architecture

Thayan culture is baised on myan culture

Funerary and Memorial customs

If one could navigate through Xibalba, however, one could then find the way to ascend through the nine levels of the underworld, and the thirteen levels of the higher world, to paradise. The only ways in which a soul could by-pass Xibalba and travel instantly to Tamoanchan were through death in childbirth, as a sacrificial victim, in warfare, on the ball court, or by suicide

Once one reached Tamoanchan there was eternal happiness but, it must be noted, this paradise was not thought to actually exist in the sky but on the earth. After ascending through the thirteen levels, one did not live in the air but, rather, on a mystical mountain back on the planet. It was because of this cyclical view that the Thaya did not believe there was anything wrong with human sacrifice. Those people who were offered to the gods did not die' but simply moved on. This cosmological belief influenced every aspect of the Thayan civilization and rituals were performed regularly in caves, evoking the darkness of Xibalba, and on hills or high temples which symbolized the heights of Tamoanchan.

Encompassed species