Drow name generator
To ease up generating of Drow names, I made myself my own variation on Kismet's drow name generator. Lots of love for Kismet!
The generator helps you decide on more traditional sounding drow names for your drow characters. Below you find (under links for convenience) the generators, which you can use to randomize parts of the names and join them as you wish. Family names work well for the Llothian drows, and both family and first names can be formatted in a similar way with the chart on the right. Feel free to get creative though and do your own thing!
The parts of names (prefixes, suffixes and middles) include in brackets the meaning of each piece. At the time of writing this, some of the meanings are no longer on Kismet's website but are preserved here for personal purposes.
Drow - Name format suggestions
1-15 | Prefix + suffix |
16-24 | Prefix |
25-40 | Prefix + ' + suffix |
41-60 | Prefix + middle + suffix |
61-80 | Prefix + ' + middle + suffix |
81-90 | Prefix + middle + ' + suffix |
91-95 | Prefix + prefix |
96-99 | Prefix + ' + prefix |
100 | Mixed order (throw again and change part order as it sounds appropriate) |
New test generator
Each of the buttons below have a list of prefix-, middle-, and suffix-parts listed for your viewing. you can either roll parts or choose your favourites from the listing.
Currently only makes simple female names. Will get expanded in the future.
Old generator
Female namesDrow - Female name prefixes
1 | Akor (Beloved, best, first) |
2 | Alaun (Lightning, powerful) |
3 | Aly (Legendary, singing, song) |
4 | Ang (Beastly, beast, monstrous, savage) |
5 | Ardul (Blessed, divine, godly) |
6 | Aun (Crypt, dead, deadly, death) |
7 | Bae (Fate, fated, luck, lucky) |
8 | Bal (Burned, burning, fire, flame) |
9 | Bauth (Way) |
10 | Belar (Arrow, lance, pierced) |
11 | Braer (Sick) |
12 | Briz (Graceful, fluid, water, wet) |
13 | Bur (Craft, crafty, sly) |
14 | Cel (Ember) |
15 | Cez (Careful) |
16 | Chal (Earthy, earth, stable) |
17 | Char (Sick, venom, venomed) |
18 | Chas (Void) |
19 | Chel (Poison) |
20 | Chen (Secret) |
21 | Chess (Noble, lady) |
22 | Choa (Victorious) |
23 | Crin (Superior) |
24 | Daen (Amusing) |
25 | Dan (Seductive) |
26 | Daur (Strange) |
27 | Dellyn (Exquisite) |
28 | Dhaun (Infested, plague) |
29 | Dil (Cold, ice, still) |
30 | Dirz (Dream, dreaming, fantasy) |
31 | Dosst (Possessed) |
32 | Draa (Twofold) |
33 | Dris (Ashen, ash, dawn, east, eastern) |
34 | Driss (Highest) |
35 | Dro (Living) |
36 | Eclav (Chaos, mad, madness) |
37 | Elen (Enduring) |
38 | Elv (Magical, drow, mage, power) |
39 | Elvan (Skillful, elf, elven, far, lost) |
40 | Eoul (Fearless) |
41 | Erel (Eye, moon, spy) |
42 | Ethe (Mithril, resolute) |
43 | Faer (Oathbound, oath, sworn, vow) |
44 | Felyn (Pale, thin, weak, white) |
45 | Filf (Dwarf, dwarven, treacherous) |
46 | G'eld (Ominous, friend, spider) |
47 | Gauss (Dread, fear, feared, vile) |
48 | Ghuan (Accursed, curse, unlucky) |
49 | Gin (Berserk, berserker, orc, wild) |
50 | Grey (Spectral, ghost, pale, unliving) |
51 | Hael (Determined, marked, trail, way) |
52 | Hal (Deft, nimble, spider) |
53 | Har (First) |
54 | Hor (Strong) |
55 | Houn (Spellbound, magic, ring, staff) |
56 | Iim (Spirited, life, living, spirit, soul) |
57 | Iiv (Baleful, liege, war, warrior) |
58 | Il (Greedy) |
59 | Ilin (Obsessed) |
60 | Illiam (Devoted, heart, love) |
61 | Ilph (Emerald, green, lush, tree) |
62 | In (Hidden, mask, masked) |
63 | Irae (Mystical, arcane, mystic, wizard) |
64 | Iym (Endless, immortal) |
65 | Izil (Intricate) |
66 | Jan (Shield, warded) |
67 | Jhael (Ambitious, clan, kin, family) |
68 | Jhin (Patient) |
69 | Jhul (Charmed, rune, symbol) |
70 | Jyl (Golden) |
71 | Jys (Relentless, hard, steel, unyielding) |
72 | Kar (Teeming) |
73 | Kha (Vengeful) |
74 | Khal (Trusted) |
75 | Kier (Fickle) |
76 | Kol (Hurt) |
77 | Kul (Strict) |
78 | Kyo (Dangerous) |
79 | Lael (Steel, iron, west, western) |
80 | Lal (New) |
81 | Lar (Imperious, binding, bound, law, lawful) |
82 | LiNeer (Legend, legendary, mythical) |
83 | Lird (Baseborn, brand, branded, owned, slave) |
84 | Lua (Bright, crystal, light) |
85 | Mae (Hardened) |
86 | Mal (Mysterious, mystery, secret) |
87 | May (Beautiful, beauty, silver) |
88 | Micar (Lost, poison, widow) |
89 | Min (Lesser, minor, second) |
90 | Mol (Menacing, blue, storm, thunder, wind) |
91 | Myr (Skeletal, lost, skeleton, skull) |
92 | Nal (Brutal) |
93 | Nara (Wealthy) |
94 | Nath (Doom, doomed, fate) |
95 | Nau (Exiled) |
96 | Ned (Cunning, genius, mind, thought) |
97 | Neer (Persistent, core, root, strong) |
98 | Nhil (Fearful, fear, horrible, horror, outraged) |
99 | Null (Howling, sad, tear, weeping) |
100 | Nyl (Jeweled) |
101 | Ob (Silver) |
102 | Ogg (Distrusted) |
103 | Olor (Marked, skin, tattoo, tattooed) |
104 | Orn (Enchanted) |
105 | Pellan (Cutting, north, platinum, wind) |
106 | Pera (Calamitous) |
107 | Pha (Scarred) |
108 | Pha (Eloquent) |
109 | Phaer (Honor, honored) |
110 | Phin (Vile) |
111 | Pho (Impetuous) |
112 | Phyr (Bless, blessed, blessing) |
113 | Plynn (Thieving) |
114 | Qil (Hated, foe, goblin, slave) |
115 | Qualn (Rising, mighty, ocean, sea) |
116 | Quar (Commanding, aged, eternal, time) |
117 | Quav (Trusted, charmed, docile, friend) |
118 | Quel (Brave) |
119 | Quen (Regal) |
120 | Quii (Scheming) |
121 | Rae (Alluring) |
122 | Rath (Established) |
123 | Rauv (Grand, cave, rock, stone) |
124 | Rel (Resilient) |
125 | Riv (Inferior) |
126 | Ryl (Foretold, omen) |
127 | Sab (Grave, abyss, empty, void) |
128 | Sal (Vicious) |
129 | Sara (Opportunistic) |
130 | Sav (Mischievous) |
131 | Sbat (Amber, yellow) |
132 | Sen (Masked) |
133 | Shazu (Half-Breed) |
134 | She (Envious) |
135 | Shi'n (Fool, foolish, young) |
136 | Shri (Silk, silent) |
137 | Shur (Dagger, edge, stiletto) |
138 | Shynt (Invisible, skilled, unseen) |
139 | Sin (Pleasured, festival, joy, pleasure) |
140 | Ssap (Blue, midnight, nigh) |
141 | Susp (Learned, skilled, wise) |
142 | Suss (Light) |
143 | Szar (Calm) |
144 | T'riss (Blade, sharp, sword) |
145 | Taga (Awakened) |
146 | Tal (Gullible, love, pain, wound, wounded) |
147 | Talab (Burn, burning, fire) |
148 | Telan (Enticing) |
149 | Thal (Diplomatic) |
150 | Thia (Singing) |
151 | Tin (Steadfast) |
152 | Triel (Bat, winged) |
153 | Ulna (Persuasive) |
154 | Ulvir (Treasured, gold, golden, treasure) |
155 | Umrae (Ardent, faith, faithful, true) |
156 | Us (Lone) |
157 | Usstan (Arrogant) |
158 | Vas (Blood, body, flesh) |
159 | Vel (Invisible) |
160 | Vest (Intoxicated) |
161 | Vic (Abyss, deep, profound) |
162 | Vier (Black, dark, darkness) |
163 | Vlon (Bold, hero, heroic) |
164 | Wael (Mad) |
165 | Waer (Deep, hidden, south, southern) |
166 | Wuyon (Humble, third, trivial) |
167 | Xan (Strategic) |
168 | Xelu (Desired) |
169 | Xi (Favored) |
170 | Xin (Bound) |
171 | Xull (Blooded, crimson, ruby) |
172 | Xun (Demon, fiend, fiendish) |
173 | Xurn (Resourceful) |
174 | Yas (Riddle, spinning, thread, web) |
175 | Yath (Devoted) |
176 | Yv (Twin) |
177 | Zar (Dusk, haunted, shadow) |
178 | Zebey (Mighty, dragon, lithe, rage, wyrm) |
179 | Zes (Ancient, elder, respected) |
180 | Zhaun (Insightful) |
181 | Zilv (Forgotten, old, unknown) |
Drow - Female name middles
1 | a (Breaker, destruction, end, omega) |
2 | ace (Savant, scholar, wizard) |
3 | ae (Dance, dancer, life, player) |
4 | aer (Blood, blood of, heir) |
5 | aeth (Luxury) |
6 | bryn (Agent, assassin, killer) |
7 | da (Illusionist, trickster) |
8 | dia (Rogue, stealer) |
9 | dra (Lover, match, mate) |
10 | draun (Word) |
11 | dril (Knight, sword, warrior) |
12 | dryn (Domain) |
13 | e (Servant, slave, vassal) |
14 | ess (Paradise) |
15 | eyl (Archer, arrow, flight, flyer) |
16 | ffyn (Minstrel, singer, song) |
17 | fryn (Champion, victor, weapon, weapon of) |
18 | hyrr (Illusion) |
19 | i |
20 | ice (Obsession, taker, taken) |
21 | jra (Beast, biter, stinger) |
22 | jss (Scout, stalker) |
23 | lay (Flight, flyer, wing, wings) |
24 | less (Barrier) |
25 | lin (Arm, armor, commander) |
26 | linth (Genius) |
27 | lith (Executioner) |
28 | loth (Blackness) |
29 | lur (Superior) |
30 | lyss (Cruelty) |
31 | mice (Bone, bones, necromancer, witch) |
32 | mur'ss (Shadow, spy, witness) |
33 | na (Adept, ghost, spirit) |
34 | nath (Conjurer) |
35 | nei (Wish) |
36 | niss (Chance, gambler, game) |
37 | o |
38 | ra (Fool, game, prey, quarry) |
39 | rae (Secret, seeker, quest) |
40 | raum (Weaver) |
41 | raun (Destiny) |
42 | ress (Opponent) |
43 | reth (Strategist) |
44 | rigg (Greed) |
45 | ril (Bandit, enemy, raider, outlaw) |
46 | rimm (Inspiration) |
47 | rin (Achievement) |
48 | rith (Protector) |
49 | roth (Hive) |
50 | ryne (Scheme, blooded, elder, experienced) |
51 | set (Wrath) |
52 | shin (Luck) |
53 | sine (Ecstasy) |
54 | stin (Clan, house, merchant, of the house) |
55 | syn (Sadist) |
56 | thel (Scion) |
57 | thiir (Victim) |
58 | thrae (Charmer, leader, seducer) |
59 | thrine (Defense) |
60 | tree (Exile, loner, outcast, pariah) |
61 | tyrr (Dagger, poison, poisoner, scorpion) |
62 | u |
63 | ue (Arm, artisan, fingers) |
64 | va (Comrade, honor, honored) |
65 | ve (Coward) |
66 | vil (Waste) |
67 | vin (Playmate) |
68 | vyll (Punishment, scourge, whip, zealot) |
69 | wae (Heir, inheritor, princess) |
70 | wyss (Battle, best, creator, starter) |
71 | xae (Orb, rank, ruler, scepter) |
72 | y |
73 | yl (Drow) |
74 | yrr (Protector, rival, wielder) |
75 | za (Scorpion) |
76 | zheel (Truce) |
77 | zild (Force) |
78 | zyl (Will) |
79 | zyne (Finder, hunter) |
Drow - Female name suffixes
1 | a (Breaker, destruction, end, omega) |
2 | aca (Expert) |
3 | ace (Savant, scholar, wizard) |
4 | ae (Dance, dancer, life, player) |
5 | aer (Blood, blood of, heir) |
6 | aerie (Fantasy) |
7 | aeth (Luxury) |
8 | afae (Bane, executioner, slayer) |
9 | afay (Eyes, eyes of, seeress) |
10 | ala (Healer, priestess) |
11 | ali (Trap) |
12 | anna (Advisor, counselor to) |
13 | arra (Queen, queen of) |
14 | aryn (Thoughts) |
15 | asha (Courage) |
16 | aste (Bearer, keeper, slaver) |
17 | avin (Guardian, guard, shield) |
18 | ayne (Lunatic, maniac, manic, rage) |
19 | berra (Path, walker) |
20 | breena (Matriarch, ruler) |
21 | bryn (Agent, assassin, killer) |
22 | cyrl (Ally, companion, friend) |
23 | da (Illusionist, trickster) |
24 | deirra (Spell) |
25 | dene (Demon) |
26 | dia (Rogue, stealer) |
27 | diira (Initiate, sister) |
28 | dra (Lover, match, mate) |
29 | draun (Word) |
30 | dreza (Howl) |
31 | driira (Mother, teacher) |
32 | dril (Knight, sword, warrior) |
33 | droia (Creature) |
34 | dryn (Domain) |
35 | e (Servant, slave, vassal) |
36 | eari (Giver, god, matron) |
37 | ellar (House) |
38 | ess (Paradise) |
39 | eyl (Archer, arrow, flight, flyer) |
40 | ffyn (Minstrel, singer, song) |
41 | fryn (Champion, victor, weapon, weapon of) |
42 | hea (Gem) |
43 | hyrr (Illusion) |
44 | i |
45 | iara (Baron, duke, lady) |
46 | ice (Obsession, taker, taken) |
47 | idil (Alpha, beginning, creator of, maker) |
48 | iira (Harbinger, herald) |
49 | ila (Accomplishment) |
50 | inidia (Secret, wall, warder) |
51 | inil (Lady, rider, steed) |
52 | intra (Envoy, messenger, prophet) |
53 | isstra (Acolyte, apprentice, student) |
54 | iszin (Thief) |
55 | ithra (Dragon, serpent, wyrm) |
56 | jra (Beast, biter, stinger) |
57 | jss (Scout, stalker) |
58 | kacha (Beauty, hair, style) |
59 | kiira (Apostle, disciple) |
60 | lara (Cynic, death, end, victim) |
61 | lay (Flight, flyer, wing, wings) |
62 | less (Barrier) |
63 | lin (Arm, armor, commander) |
64 | linth (Genius) |
65 | lith (Executioner) |
66 | lochar (Messenger, spider) |
67 | loth (Blackness) |
68 | lur (Superior) |
69 | lyss (Cruelty) |
70 | mice (Bone, bones, necromancer, witch) |
71 | mur'ss (Shadow, spy, witness) |
72 | na (Adept, ghost, spirit) |
73 | nala (Ruse) |
74 | nara (Elegance) |
75 | nath (Conjurer) |
76 | natha (Soul) |
77 | nei (Wish) |
78 | nilee (Corpse, disease, ravager) |
79 | niss (Chance, gambler, game) |
80 | nitra (Armor, kicker, returned, risen) |
81 | noa (Desolation) |
82 | nolu (Art, artist, expert, treasure) |
83 | nothra (Serpent) |
84 | olin (Ascension, love, lover, lust) |
85 | onia (Rod, staff, token, wand) |
86 | oyss (Binder, judge, law, prison) |
87 | qualyn (Ally, caller, kin) |
88 | quarra (Horde, host, legion) |
89 | quiri (Aura, cloak, hide, skin) |
90 | ra (Fool, game, prey, quarry) |
91 | rae (Secret, seeker, quest) |
92 | raema (Crafter, fist, hand) |
93 | raena (Reign, center, haven, home) |
94 | raum (Weaver) |
95 | raun (Destiny) |
96 | raya (Conspirator) |
97 | ress (Opponent) |
98 | reth (Strategist) |
99 | rickla (Joke) |
100 | riel (Madness) |
101 | rigg (Greed) |
102 | riia (Chaos, storm, tempest) |
103 | riina (Enchanter, mage, spellcaster) |
104 | ril (Bandit, enemy, raider, outlaw) |
105 | rimm (Inspiration) |
106 | rin (Achievement) |
107 | rith (Protector) |
108 | roth (Hive) |
109 | ryna (Follower, hired, mercenary) |
110 | ryne (Scheme, blooded, elder, experienced) |
111 | set (Wrath) |
112 | shalee (Abjurer, gaze, watch, watcher) |
113 | shin (Luck) |
114 | sine (Ecstasy) |
115 | ssinis (Sinister) |
116 | ssysn (Artifact, dweomer, sorcerer, spell) |
117 | stin (Clan, house, merchant, of the house) |
118 | stra (Spider, spinner, weaver) |
119 | streea (Daredevil) |
120 | syn (Sadist) |
121 | tana (Darkness, lurker, prowler) |
122 | thara (Glyph, marker, rune) |
123 | thel (Scion) |
124 | thiir (Victim) |
125 | thrae (Charmer, leader, seducer) |
126 | thrine (Defense) |
127 | tree (Exile, loner, outcast, pariah) |
128 | tyrr (Dagger, poison, poisoner, scorpion) |
129 | ual (Speed, strider) |
130 | ue (Arm, artisan, fingers) |
131 | uit (Breath, voice, word) |
132 | une (Diviner, fate, future, oracle) |
133 | uque (Cavern, digger, mole, tunnel) |
134 | urra (Nomad, renegade, wanderer) |
135 | va (Comrade, honor, honored) |
136 | vayas (Forge, forger, hammer, smith) |
137 | ve (Coward) |
138 | vil (Waste) |
139 | vin (Playmate) |
140 | vyll (Punishment, scourge, whip, zealot) |
141 | vyrae (Mistress, overseer) |
142 | wae (Heir, inheritor, princess) |
143 | wiira (Seneschal of, steward) |
144 | wyss (Battle, best, creator, starter) |
145 | xae (Orb, rank, ruler, scepter) |
146 | xena (Cutter, gem, jewel, jeweler) |
147 | xyra (Sage, teller) |
148 | yalla (Youth) |
149 | yanna (Siren) |
150 | yl (Drow) |
151 | ylene (Handmaiden, maiden) |
152 | ymma (Dancer, drider, feet, foot, runner) |
153 | ynda (Captain, custodian, marshal, ranger) |
154 | ynrae (Heretic, rebel, riot, void) |
155 | yrae (Architect, founder, mason) |
156 | yrr (Protector, rival, wielder) |
157 | za (Scorpion) |
158 | zheel (Truce) |
159 | zild (Force) |
160 | zyl (Will) |
161 | zyne (Finder, hunter) |
162 | cice (Born of, child, young) |
Male names
Drow - Male name prefixes
1 | Adin (Beastly, beast, monstrous, savage) |
2 | Alak (Beloved, best, first) |
3 | Alton (Lightning, powerful) |
4 | Amal (Blessed, divine, godly) |
5 | Ant (Crypt, dead, deadly, death) |
6 | Araj (Vengeful) |
7 | Bar (Fate, fated, luck, lucky) |
8 | Bauth (Way) |
9 | Bel (Burned, burning, fire, flame) |
10 | Berg (Graceful, fluid, water, wet) |
11 | Bhin (Craft, crafty, sly) |
12 | Bol (Golden) |
13 | Bruh (Arrow, lance, pierced) |
14 | Caer (Jeweled) |
15 | Cal (Noble, lord) |
16 | Chasz (Earthy, earth, stable) |
17 | Chaul (Secret) |
18 | Chel (Poison) |
19 | Col (Established) |
20 | Dan (Seductive) |
21 | Dhaun (Infested) |
22 | Din (Berserk, berserker, orc, wild) |
23 | Dip (Baleful, liege, war, warrior) |
24 | Div (Dream, dreaming, fantasy) |
25 | Dosst (Possessed) |
26 | Draa (Twofold) |
27 | Dragh (Void) |
28 | Driz (Relentless, hard, steel, unyielding) |
29 | Dro (Living) |
30 | Droc (Arrogant) |
31 | Duag (Shield, warded) |
32 | Duk (Vicious) |
33 | Dur (Cold, ice, still) |
34 | Elam (Enduring) |
35 | Elaug (Magical, drow, mage, power) |
36 | Elgg (Fearful) |
37 | Elk (Chaos, mad, madness) |
38 | Erag (Strange) |
39 | Erth (Mithril, resolute) |
40 | Fil (Pale, thin, weak, white) |
41 | Fyr (Ardent) |
42 | G'eld (Ominous, friend, spider) |
43 | Gare (Ember) |
44 | Gel (Ambitious, clan, kin, family) |
45 | Ghol (Resourceful) |
46 | Ghor (Calm) |
47 | Ghuan (Accursed, curse, unlucky) |
48 | Go (Menacing, blue, storm, thunder, wind) |
49 | Golo (Thricefold) |
50 | Gul (Spectral, ghost, pale, unliving) |
51 | Harl (Inferior) |
52 | Harn (First) |
53 | Has (Strategic) |
54 | Hatch (Determined, marked, trail, way) |
55 | Hong (Fearless) |
56 | Hor (Strong) |
57 | Hurz (Ardent, faith, faithful, true) |
58 | Ib (Vile) |
59 | Iim (Spirited, life, living, spirit, soul) |
60 | Il (Greedy) |
61 | Ilin (Obsessed) |
62 | Ilph (Emerald, green, lush, tree) |
63 | Ilzt (Mystical, arcane, mystic, wizard) |
64 | Im (Devoted, heart, love) |
65 | Ist (Endless, immortal) |
66 | Izil (Intricate) |
67 | Izz (Hidden, mask, masked) |
68 | Jaez (Alluring) |
69 | Jal (Commanding) |
70 | Jar (Charmed, rune, symbol) |
71 | Jiv (Singing) |
72 | Kalan (Skillful, elf, elven, far, lost) |
73 | Kar (Teeming) |
74 | Kel (Legendary, singing, song) |
75 | Khal (Trusted) |
76 | Khaz (Awakened) |
77 | Kin (Careful) |
78 | Kol (Hurt) |
79 | Kren (Fool, foolish, young) |
80 | Kron (Sick, venom, venomed) |
81 | Kul (Strict) |
82 | Les (Imperious, binding, bound, law, lawful) |
83 | Llt (Steel, iron, west, western) |
84 | Lu (Exiled) |
85 | Lyme (Bright, crystal, light) |
86 | Mag (Lone) |
87 | Malag (Mysterious, mystery, secret) |
88 | Mas (Beautiful, beauty, silver) |
89 | Menzo (Guided) |
90 | Mer (Doom, doomed, fate) |
91 | Micar (Lost, poison, widow) |
92 | Moc (Highest) |
93 | Mourn (Legend, legendary, mythical) |
94 | Nad (Cunning, genius, mind, thought) |
95 | Nal (Brutal, fearful, fear, horrible, horror, outraged) |
96 | Neer (Persistent, core, root, strong) |
97 | Nil (Howling, sad, tear, weeping) |
98 | Nym (Skeletal, lost, skeleton, skull) |
99 | Ob (Silver) |
100 | Ogg (Distrusted) |
101 | Omar (Marked, skin, tattoo, tattooed) |
102 | Orgoll (Dread, fear, feared, vile) |
103 | Orm (Insightful) |
104 | Parz (Amusing) |
105 | Phal (Scarred) |
106 | Phar (Dwarf, dwarven, treacherous) |
107 | Pho (Impetuous) |
108 | Phyx (Bless, blessed, blessing) |
109 | Plynn (Thieving) |
110 | Qual (Rising) |
111 | Quel (Brave) |
112 | Quev (Trusted, charmed, docile, friend) |
113 | Quii (Scheming) |
114 | Quil (Hated, foe, goblin, slave) |
115 | Ran (Lesser, minor, second) |
116 | Rel (Resilient) |
117 | Relon (Cutting, north, platinum, wind) |
118 | Rhyl (Eye, moon, spy) |
119 | Rik (Spellbound, magic, ring, staff) |
120 | Riz (Ashen, ash, dawn, east, eastern) |
121 | Ryl (Foretold, omen) |
122 | Ryld (Baseborn, brand, branded, owned, slave) |
123 | Rylu (Patient) |
124 | Sarn (Dangerous) |
125 | Sav (Mischievous) |
126 | Sca (Superior) |
127 | Selds (Oathbound, oath, sworn, vow) |
128 | Shar (Dagger, edge, stiletto) |
129 | Shav (Envious) |
130 | Shazu (Half-Breed) |
131 | Shynt (Invisible, skilled, unseen) |
132 | Sol (Deft, nimble, spider) |
133 | Sorn (Enchanted, spell) |
134 | Spir (Learned, skilled, wise) |
135 | Ssz (Silk, silent) |
136 | Suss (Light) |
137 | Szin (Pleasured, festival, joy, pleasure) |
138 | Szor (Amber, yellow) |
139 | Talen (Fickle) |
140 | Tar (Gullible, love, pain, wound, wounded) |
141 | Tath (Blue, midnight, nigh) |
142 | Taz (Bat, winged) |
143 | Teb (Blade, sharp, sword) |
144 | Telan (Enticing) |
145 | Thal (Diplomatic) |
146 | Thos (Bound) |
147 | Tin (Steadfast) |
148 | Tluth (Burn, burning, fire) |
149 | Tsab (Grave, abyss, empty, void) |
150 | Uhls (Treasured, gold, golden, treasure) |
151 | Ult (Victorious) |
152 | Url (Blooded, crimson, ruby) |
153 | Val (Black, dark, darkness) |
154 | Vel (Invisible) |
155 | Vest (Intoxicated) |
156 | Vesz (Blood, body, flesh) |
157 | Vhae (Masked) |
158 | Vic (Abyss, deep, profound) |
159 | Vid (Persuasive) |
160 | Vize (Student) |
161 | Vorn (Honor, honored) |
162 | Vuz (Forgotten, old, unknown) |
163 | Wehl (Deep, hidden, south, southern) |
164 | Welv (Grand, cave, rock, stone) |
165 | Wod (Bold, hero, heroic) |
166 | Wruz (Humble, third, trivial) |
167 | Xal (Possible) |
168 | Xelu (Desired) |
169 | Xorl (Majestic) |
170 | Xun (Demon, fiend, fiendish) |
171 | Yaz (Riddle, spinning, thread, web) |
172 | Yorn (Calamitous) |
173 | Yv (Twin) |
174 | Yyrr (New) |
175 | Zakn (Dusk, haunted, shadow) |
176 | Zau (Scorned) |
177 | Zed (Favored) |
178 | Zek (Mighty, dragon, lithe, rage, wyrm) |
179 | Zsz (Ancient, elder, respected) |
Drow - Male name middles
1 | a |
2 | aeth (Luxury) |
3 | agh (Breaker, destruction, end, omega) |
4 | al (Lunatic, maniac, manic, rage) |
5 | as (Savant, scholar, wizard) |
6 | aun (Dance, dancer, life, player) |
7 | ban (Joke) |
8 | buk (Force) |
9 | d (Blood, blood of, heir) |
10 | daal (Word) |
11 | daer (Illusionist, trickster) |
12 | dan (Speed, strider) |
13 | dar (Breath, voice, word) |
14 | dax (Nomad, renegade, wanderer) |
15 | diin (Diviner, fate, future, oracle) |
16 | diirn (Initiate, brother) |
17 | dith (Victim) |
18 | dor (Arm, artisan, fingers) |
19 | dorl (Knight, sword, warrior) |
20 | drin (Rogue, stealer) |
21 | dyn (Flight, flyer, wing, wings) |
22 | e (Servant, slave, vassal) |
23 | eal (Fantasy) |
24 | ente (Gem) |
25 | erd (Giver, god, patron) |
26 | eth (Obsession, taker, taken) |
27 | eyl (Archer, arrow, flight, flyer) |
28 | fein (Minstrel, singer, song) |
29 | fryn (Champion, victor, weapon, weapon of) |
30 | gloth (Path, walker) |
31 | gos (Beast, biter, stinger) |
32 | guin (Promise) |
33 | hin (Accomplishment) |
34 | hrae (Heir, inheritor, princess) |
35 | hrys (Battle, best, creator, starter) |
36 | i |
37 | in (Lord, rider, steed) |
38 | inn (Ecstasy) |
39 | jss (Scout, stalker) |
40 | kah (Beauty, hair, style) |
41 | kyn (Luck) |
42 | lath (Strategist) |
43 | lin (Arm, armor, commander) |
44 | lorn (Paradise) |
45 | lust (Desolation) |
46 | lyn (Agent, assassin, killer) |
47 | mis (Expert) |
48 | mur'ss (Shadow, spy, witness) |
49 | mus (Conjurer) |
50 | muth (Blackness) |
51 | myr (Bone, bones, necromancer, witch) |
52 | nar (Adept, ghost, spirit) |
53 | net (Legion, armor, kicker, returned, risen, horde, host) |
54 | nin (Ruse) |
55 | nozz (Chance, gambler, game) |
56 | o |
57 | oj (Aura, cloak, hide, skin) |
58 | olg (Charmer, leader, seducer) |
59 | olin (Ascension, love, lover, lust) |
60 | omph (Judge) |
61 | or (Fool, game, prey, quarry) |
62 | orl (Genius) |
63 | oyn (Follower, hired, mercenary) |
64 | phul (Secret) |
65 | raen (Apostle, disciple) |
66 | rak (Chaos, storm, tempest) |
67 | ral (Abjurer, gaze, watch, watcher) |
68 | rar (Secret, seeker, quest) |
69 | raum (Weaver) |
70 | ree (Enchanter, mage, spellcaster) |
71 | rigg (Greed) |
72 | ril (Bandit, enemy, raider, outlaw) |
73 | rimm (Inspiration) |
74 | rimo (Blade) |
75 | rith (Protector) |
76 | rorn (Spell) |
77 | roth (Hive) |
78 | ryn (Scheme, blooded, elder, experienced) |
79 | sargh (Courage) |
80 | set (Wrath) |
81 | sul (Barrier) |
82 | syn (Sadist) |
83 | tak (Executioner) |
84 | tan (Coward) |
85 | tar (Glyph, marker, rune) |
86 | tel (Exile, loner, outcast, pariah) |
87 | thae (Defense) |
88 | thaer (Sight) |
89 | thel (Scion) |
90 | then (Host) |
91 | thigg (Truce) |
92 | ton (Darkness, lurker, prowler) |
93 | tos (Illusion) |
94 | tran (Spider, spinner, weaver) |
95 | trin (Clan, house, merchant, of the house) |
96 | tyrr (Dagger, poison, poisoner, scorpion) |
97 | u |
98 | ven (Comrade, honor, honored) |
99 | vil (Waste) |
100 | vyll (Punishment, scourge, whip, zealot) |
101 | vyr (Master, overseer) |
102 | xund (Achievement) |
103 | y |
104 | yl (Drow) |
105 | yln (Squire, youth) |
106 | yrd (Captain, custodian, marshal, ranger) |
107 | yrr (Protector, rival, wielder) |
108 | zaer (Orb, rank, ruler, scepter) |
109 | zar (Lover, match, mate) |
110 | zen (Cutter, gem, jewel, jeweler) |
111 | ziir (Creature) |
112 | zt (Finder, hunter) |
113 | zyl (Will) |
114 | zyr (Sage, teller) |
115 | ica (Baron, duke, lord) |
Drow - Male name suffixes
1 | aeth (Luxury) |
2 | afein (Bane, executioner, slayer) |
3 | agar (Discovery) |
4 | agh (Breaker, destruction, end, omega) |
5 | aghar (Cynic, death, end, victim) |
6 | agol (Soul) |
7 | akti (Domain) |
8 | al (Lunatic, maniac, manic, rage) |
9 | antar (Patriarch, ruler) |
10 | aonar (Guardian, guard, shield) |
11 | arrin (Warrior) |
12 | aryn (Thoughts) |
13 | as (Savant, scholar, wizard) |
14 | asan (Wish) |
15 | aste (Bearer, keeper, slaver) |
16 | atar (Prince, prince of) |
17 | atlab (Acolyte, apprentice, student) |
18 | aufein (Eyes, eyes of, seer) |
19 | aun (Dance, dancer, life, player) |
20 | axle (Ally, companion, friend) |
21 | azzt (Trap) |
22 | ban (Joke) |
23 | brezu (Demon) |
24 | buk (Force) |
25 | ceri (Daredevil) |
26 | d (Blood, blood of, heir) |
27 | daal (Word) |
28 | daer (Illusionist, trickster) |
29 | dan (Speed, strider) |
30 | dar (Breath, voice, word) |
31 | dax (Nomad, renegade, wanderer) |
32 | diin (Diviner, fate, future, oracle) |
33 | diirn (Initiate, brother) |
34 | dith (Victim) |
35 | dor (Arm, artisan, fingers) |
36 | dorl (Knight, sword, warrior) |
37 | driirn (Father, teacher) |
38 | drin (Rogue, stealer) |
39 | dyn (Flight, flyer, wing, wings) |
40 | e (Servant, slave, vassal) |
41 | eal (Fantasy) |
42 | ellar (House) |
43 | ente (Gem) |
44 | erd (Giver, god, patron) |
45 | erin (Advisor, counselor to) |
46 | eth (Obsession, taker, taken) |
47 | eyl (Archer, arrow, flight, flyer) |
48 | fein (Minstrel, singer, song) |
49 | fryn (Champion, victor, weapon, weapon of) |
50 | gloth (Path, walker) |
51 | gos (Beast, biter, stinger) |
52 | guin (Promise) |
53 | hin (Accomplishment) |
54 | hrae (Heir, inheritor, princess) |
55 | hriir (Seneschal of, steward) |
56 | hrys (Battle, best, creator, starter) |
57 | i |
58 | iamo (Playmate) |
59 | iar (Lord) |
60 | imar (Alpha, beginning, creator of, maker) |
61 | in (Lord, rider, steed) |
62 | inid (Harbinger, herald) |
63 | inn (Ecstasy) |
64 | intra (Envoy, messenger, prophet) |
65 | inyon (Dancer, drider, feet, foot, runner) |
66 | ios (Superior) |
67 | irahc (Dragon, serpent, wyrm) |
68 | jss (Scout, stalker) |
69 | kah (Beauty, hair, style) |
70 | kyn (Luck) |
71 | lath (Strategist) |
72 | launim (Healer, priest) |
73 | lenti (Serpent) |
74 | lin (Arm, armor, commander) |
75 | lochar (Messenger, spider) |
76 | lorn (Paradise) |
77 | loro (Cruelty) |
78 | lust (Desolation) |
79 | lyn (Agent, assassin, killer) |
80 | mis (Expert) |
81 | mur'ss (Shadow, spy, witness) |
82 | mus (Conjurer) |
83 | muth (Blackness) |
84 | myr (Bone, bones, necromancer, witch) |
85 | nar (Adept, ghost, spirit) |
86 | net (Armor, legion, kicker, returned, risen, horde, host) |
87 | nin (Ruse) |
88 | nolu (Art, artist, expert, treasure) |
89 | nozz (Chance, gambler, game) |
90 | o |
91 | oj (Aura, cloak, hide, skin) |
92 | olg (Charmer, leader, seducer) |
93 | olil (Corpse, disease, ravager) |
94 | olin (Ascension, love, lover, lust) |
95 | olvir (Conspirator, center, haven, home) |
96 | omph (Binder, judge, law, prison) |
97 | onim (Rod, staff, token, wand) |
98 | onnel (Foe) |
99 | or (Fool, game, prey, quarry) |
100 | orl (Genius) |
101 | orvir (Weaver, crafter, fist, hand) |
102 | oyn (Follower, hired, mercenary) |
103 | phul (Secret) |
104 | qualyn (Ally, caller, kin) |
105 | raen (Apostle, disciple) |
106 | rak (Chaos, storm, tempest) |
107 | ral (Abjurer, gaze, watch, watcher) |
108 | rar (Secret, seeker, quest) |
109 | raum (Weaver) |
110 | ree (Enchanter, mage, spellcaster) |
111 | ressen (Opponent) |
112 | rigg (Greed) |
113 | ril (Bandit, enemy, raider, outlaw) |
114 | rimm (Inspiration) |
115 | rimo (Blade) |
116 | rith (Protector) |
117 | rorn (Spell) |
118 | roth (Hive) |
119 | ryn (Scheme, blooded, elder, experienced) |
120 | rysn (Artifact, dweomer, sorcerer, spell) |
121 | sargh (Courage) |
122 | saruk (Leader) |
123 | set (Wrath) |
124 | ssinis (Sinister) |
125 | sul (Barrier) |
126 | syn (Sadist) |
127 | tak (Executioner) |
128 | tan (Coward) |
129 | tar (Glyph, marker, rune) |
130 | tel (Exile, loner, outcast, pariah) |
131 | thae (Defense) |
132 | thaer (Sight) |
133 | thel (Scion) |
134 | then (Host) |
135 | thigg (Truce) |
136 | ton (Darkness, lurker, prowler) |
137 | tos (Illusion) |
138 | tran (Spider, spinner, weaver) |
139 | trin (Clan, house, merchant, of the house) |
140 | tyrr (Dagger, poison, poisoner, scorpion) |
141 | u |
142 | ulan (Thief) |
143 | uque (Cavern, digger, mole, tunnel) |
144 | vayas (Forge, forger, hammer, smith) |
145 | ven (Comrade, honor, honored) |
146 | vil (Waste) |
147 | vyll (Punishment, scourge, whip, zealot) |
148 | vyr (Master, overseer) |
149 | xund (Achievement) |
150 | yl (Drow) |
151 | yln (Squire, youth) |
152 | yrae (Architect, founder, mason) |
153 | yraen (Heretic, rebel, riot, void) |
154 | yrd (Captain, custodian, marshal, ranger) |
155 | yrr (Protector, rival, wielder) |
156 | zaer (Orb, rank, ruler, scepter) |
157 | zar (Lover, match, mate) |
158 | zen (Cutter, gem, jewel, jeweler) |
159 | ziir (Creature) |
160 | zt (Finder, hunter) |
161 | zyl (Will) |
162 | zyr (Sage, teller) |
162 | roos (Born of, child, young) |
163 | ica (Baron, duke, lord) |
Unisex names
Drow - Unisex name prefixes
1 | Bauth (Way) |
2 | Cel (Ember) |
3 | Chel (Poison) |
4 | Dan (Seductive) |
5 | Dhaun (Infested, plague) |
6 | Dosst (Possessed) |
7 | Draa (Twofold) |
8 | Dro (Living) |
9 | G'eld (Ominous, friend, spider) |
10 | Ghuan (Accursed, curse, unlucky) |
11 | Hor (Strong) |
12 | Iim (Spirited, life, living, spirit, soul) |
13 | Il (Greedy) |
14 | Ilin (Obsessed) |
15 | Ilph (Emerald, green, lush, tree) |
16 | Izil (Intricate) |
17 | Kar (Teeming) |
18 | Khal (Trusted) |
19 | Kol (Hurt) |
20 | Kul (Strict) |
21 | Micar (Lost, poison, widow) |
22 | Nal (Brutal) |
23 | Neer (Persistent, core, root, strong) |
24 | Ob (Silver) |
25 | Ogg (Distrusted) |
26 | Pha (Eloquent) |
27 | Pho (Impetuous) |
28 | Plynn (Thieving) |
29 | Quel (Brave) |
30 | Quii (Scheming) |
31 | Rel (Resilient) |
32 | Ryl (Foretold, omen) |
33 | Sav (Mischievous) |
34 | Shazu (Half-Breed) |
35 | Shynt (Invisible, skilled, unseen) |
36 | Suss (Light) |
37 | Telan (Enticing) |
38 | Thal (Diplomatic) |
39 | Tin (Steadfast) |
40 | Vel (Invisible) |
41 | Vest (Intoxicated) |
42 | Vic (Abyss, deep, profound) |
43 | Xelu (Desired) |
44 | Xun (Demon, fiend, fiendish) |
45 | Yv (Twin) |
Drow - Unisex name middles
1 | aeth (Luxury) |
2 | al (Lunatic) |
3 | ban (Joke) |
4 | dan (Strider) |
5 | dar (Voice) |
6 | dax (Wanderer) |
7 | diin (Oracle) |
8 | diirn (Brother) |
9 | dryn (Domain) |
10 | e (Servant, slave, vassal) |
11 | eal (Fantasy) |
12 | ente (Gem) |
13 | eyl (Archer, arrow, flight, flyer) |
14 | fryn (Champion, victor, weapon, weapon of) |
15 | gloth (Walker) |
16 | guin (Promise) |
17 | hin (Accomplishment) |
18 | i |
19 | in (Rider) |
20 | jss (Scout, stalker) |
21 | kah (Beauty) |
22 | lin (Arm, armor, commander) |
23 | lur (Superior) |
24 | lust (Desolation) |
25 | lyss (Cruelty) |
26 | mis (Expert) |
27 | mur'ss (Shadow, spy, witness) |
28 | nei (Wish) |
29 | net (Legion) |
30 | nin (Ruse) |
31 | o |
32 | oj (Aura) |
33 | olin (Ascension, love, lover, lust) |
34 | omph (Judge) |
35 | oyn (Mercenary) |
36 | phul (Secret) |
37 | raen (Apostle) |
38 | rak (Tempest) |
39 | ral (Watcher) |
40 | raum (Weaver) |
41 | raun (Destiny) |
42 | ree (Enchanter, mage, spellcaster) |
43 | ress (Opponent) |
44 | rigg (Greed) |
45 | ril (Bandit, enemy, raider, outlaw) |
46 | rimm (Inspiration) |
47 | rimo (Blade) |
48 | rith (Protector) |
49 | rorn (Spell) |
50 | roth (Hive) |
51 | sargh (Courage) |
52 | set (Wrath) |
53 | syn (Sadist) |
54 | tar (Rune) |
55 | thaer (Sight) |
56 | thel (Scion) |
57 | then (Host) |
58 | ton (Prowler) |
59 | tran (Spider) |
60 | tyrr (Dagger, poison, poisoner, scorpion) |
61 | u |
62 | vil (Waste) |
63 | vin (Playmate) |
64 | vyll (Punishment, scourge, whip, zealot) |
65 | vyr (Master) |
66 | y |
67 | yl (Drow) |
68 | yln (Squire, youth) |
69 | yrd (Captain, custodian, marshal, ranger) |
70 | yrr (Protector, rival, wielder) |
71 | za (Scorpion) |
72 | zen (Jewel) |
73 | ziir (Creature) |
74 | zyl (Will) |
75 | zyr (Sage, teller) |
Drow - Unisex name suffixes
1 | aeth (Luxury) |
2 | aryn (Thoughts) |
3 | aste (Bearer, keeper, slaver) |
4 | e (Servant, slave, vassal) |
5 | ellar (House) |
6 | eyl (Archer, arrow, flight, flyer) |
7 | fryn (Champion) |
8 | i |
9 | intra (Envoy, messenger, prophet) |
10 | jss (Scout, stalker) |
11 | lochar (Messenger, spider) |
12 | mur'ss (Shadow, spy, witness) |
13 | nolu (Art, artist, expert, treasure) |
14 | olin (Ascension, love, lover, lust) |
15 | qualyn (Ally, caller, kin) |
16 | raum (Weaver) |
17 | rigg (Greed) |
18 | ril (Bandit, enemy, raider, outlaw) |
19 | rimm (Inspiration) |
20 | rith (Protector) |
21 | roth (Hive) |
22 | set (Wrath) |
23 | ssinis (Sinister) |
24 | syn (Sadist) |
25 | thel (Scion) |
26 | tyrr (Dagger, poison, poisoner, scorpion) |
27 | uque (Cavern, digger, mole, tunnel) |
28 | vayas (Forge, forger, hammer, smith) |
29 | vil (Waste) |
30 | vyll (Punishment, scourge, whip, zealot) |
31 | yl (Drow) |
32 | yrae (Architect, founder, mason) |
33 | yrr (Protector, rival, wielder) |
34 | zyl (Will) |
Family names
Drow - Family name prefixes
1 | Ale (Traders in) |
2 | Alean (The noble line of) |
3 | Arab (Daughters of) |
4 | Arken (Mages of) |
5 | Auvry (Blood of the) |
6 | Baen (Blessed by) |
7 | Barri (Spawn of) |
8 | Cice (Born of) |
9 | Cladd (Warriors from) |
10 | Dal (From) |
11 | De (Champions of) |
12 | Del (Of) |
13 | Desp (Victors of) |
14 | Do' (Walkers in) |
15 | Eils (Lands of) |
16 | Everh (Caverns of) |
17 | Fre (Friends to) |
18 | Gode (Clan of) |
19 | Helvi (Those above) |
20 | Hla (Seers of) |
21 | Hun' (Sisterhood of) |
22 | Il (Masters of) |
23 | Jab (Owners of) |
24 | Ken (Sworn to) |
25 | Kil (People of) |
26 | Mae (Raiders from) |
27 | Mel (Mothers of) |
28 | My (Honored of) |
29 | Noqu (Sacred to) |
30 | Orly (Guild of) |
31 | Oss (Bearers of) |
32 | Ouss (Heirs to) |
33 | Rilyn (House of) |
34 | Shav (Servants of) |
35 | Stri (Bones of) |
36 | Teken' (Delvers in) |
37 | Thal (Advisors of) |
38 | Tor (Mistresses of) |
39 | Vi (Tenders of) |
40 | Zau (Children of) |
Drow - Family name middles/suffixes
1 | afin (The web) |
2 | ana (The night) |
3 | ani (The widow) |
4 | ar (Poison) |
5 | arn (Fire) |
6 | ate (The way) |
7 | ath (The dragons) |
8 | cyx (The garden) |
9 | duis (The whip) |
10 | ellar (The palace) |
11 | ep (The Underdark) |
12 | ervs (The depths) |
13 | ett (Magic) |
14 | gar (The unknown) |
15 | ghym (The forgotten ways) |
16 | hea (The passage) |
17 | inth (The plan) |
18 | iryn (History) |
19 | luth (The exiled) |
20 | lyl (The blade) |
21 | mtor (The abyss) |
22 | muth (The maze) |
23 | ndar (Black hearts) |
24 | neld (The arcane) |
25 | qai (The forge) |
26 | rae (Fell powers) |
27 | rahel (The gods) |
28 | rak (The end) |
29 | rimm (The key) |
30 | rret (The void) |
31 | sek (Adamantite) |
32 | t'tar (Victory) |
33 | th (Challenges) |
34 | tlar (Mysteries) |
35 | tral (The battlefield) |
36 | tyl (The pits) |
37 | und (The spider's kiss) |
38 | urden (The darkness) |
39 | val (Silken weaver) |
40 | vex (The fall) |
41 | viir (Dominance) |
42 | vog (Corruption) |
43 | zynge (The ruins) |