
Nath'riss (drow for 'Doomblade') is an old greatsword. It is, despite its age, well-balanced, yet looks like it has been through some difficult fights. It is made of dark metal and it has some skull and other necromantic motifs on its hilt.


The exact history of Nath'riss is shrouded in mystery. For ages the sword had been hanging above the fireplace in the dining hall of Tagnik'zur quellarin and it would probably still be there, if  Shade would not have taken it with him when he fled The Underdark and left his home city of Veldrin Faertala behind.


The most significance the sword once held is lost together with its original owner(s). For centuries, if not millennia, the sword was a family heirloom, yet not the most cherished one, but still something to signify and underline the greatness of the foremothers of the family Rilyn'athrahel. For ages it was shown as a decorative piece of family history above a fireplace in the dining hall of Tagnik'zur quellarin, the palace of House Rilyn'athrahel, and nobody paid much attention to it.
Everything changed when Shade, in haste, broke the backplate and freed the sword, so he could use it as an improvised weapon against any possible assaillants he would meet during his escape. The Doomblade ended up being one of the few things the drow man was able to bring with him to the Land above from the Underdark, and thus, the greatsword has great sentimental value to him.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Creation Date
Unknown, but at least a couple of generations ago
Current Holder
Nath'riss is, most likely,  an unique blade, probably forged by a talented drow weaponsmith as a comission. It's hard to say how expensive it is, and might only be of some special value to a collector if any.
Raw materials & Components


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