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Abel Myrski

Abel Myrski

Abel Myrski was born into a loving family in the small village of Scales Edge, a small fishing and farming community located in the southwest part of Pastoria, where the river meets the ocean. Abel lived in Scales Edge with his mother (Betha), father (Ivor), older brother (Ivor Jr), younger sister (Westra), and younger brother (Ander). The Myrski family was well respected in Scales Edge, known for their blacksmithing, Ivor actually use to be an adventurer before getting critically injured and having to give that life up, Betha was in the same party as Ivor and left at the same time as him to start a family. Ivor Jr and Westra help in the shop while Abel was lost in books and thought, and Ander spent his days with Betha. At this point Abel had no idea (redacted) he was a sorcerer himself. When Abel was younger a sorcerer had passed through Scales Edge and while there, he displayed magic for the children, as soon as Abel saw this something in his brain clicked, what he was looking at felt familiar to him. From that day forward Abel would read anything he could that pertained to magic. At this point Abel also picked up some interest in training his abilities, he gravitated towards the quarterstaff and found out he was adept with a crossbow. When Abel was 14, on a day no different than any other, Scales Edge was raided by a group of individuals who had the goal of causing destruction and taking valuables. Alarms rang out and Abel sprung to his feet . (redacted) He began to hyperventilate, at the same time magic energy pulsed violently through his body, at this point Abel blacked out, when he comes too half of Scales Edge is burning and he is alone surrounded by rubble and the bodies of a few of the raiders, he is covered in blood but unhurt. Confused, Abel walks through the carnage of his once peaceful village to get home (redacted). After these events Abel would go on to learn to better control his magic or at least attempt to (redacted). While practicing his magic one-day Abel was approached by an older man who he could tell was brimming with magic, this old man would ask to train Abel, his name was Dr. P and he was a sorcerer as well. Abel learned a lot from Dr. P, who actually explained what was going on to Abel. Dr. P encouraged Abel to go out on an adventure to make a name for himself while studying magic and how it works.

Mental characteristics


Adventurer, Magic tutor

Accomplishments & Achievements

Known as the Hero of Scales Edge

Personality Characteristics


To find the group responsible for the Scales Edge attack, To become a great sorcerer known as the Storm Sage

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Rocks imbued with magic, Animals and Magical Creatures, His friends. Dislikes: Pepper Coraline, The texture of honey

Vices & Personality flaws

Talks too much

Personality Quirks

His yellow eye glows when he feels strong emotion


Prides himself on his Hygiene


Contacts & Relations

Dr. P - Mentor, a good friend Ivor - Father Ivor Jr. - Brother

Hobbies & Pets

Spirit dragon Milo
Scales Edge
Right is blue, Left is yellow
Dark black with a purple hue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
167 LBS
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The Golden Ocelot Baby"

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