Ace Eastman

aka: Alex Calvin Eastman


Alex Calvin Eastman is better known as Ace to his friends. His family is extremely rich and they live in a mansion-sized house in the small town of Greengale. Ace is fun loving and carefree but also passionate about the things he cares about. Though he was born into the wealthiest family in the region, Ace wasn’t spoiled, stuck-up, or snobbish. He grew up not only understanding the value of hard work, but also the importance of giving back and helping others, values instilled in him by his father.   He was one of the first people to join the A&A Club team after Jandor formed it, since it was his father who was encouraging the endeavor. Though Jandor and Ace weren’t close friends at the time, they soon developed a mutual respect for one another. Ace’s cavalier attitude served him well in helping to promote the activities of the group, and he had the type of personality that people gravitated toward.   Just before his sophomore year of high school he met Tabatha. The girl immediately became smitten with him but at first Ace wasn’t interested. It wasn’t until Tabatha’s more abrasive and independent side came out around him that he really began to show an interest. They started dating a year after they first met and continued dating for two years.  
Age 18
Race Human
Gender Male
Height 5'9" (1.75m)
Build Muscular
Complexion Fair
Eyes Hazel
Hair short, black neat
Father Calvin Eastman
Mother Olivia Eastman
Sister Tonya Eastman
Mendalian Ranks
Adimus Rank Mandant-Non
Guild Rank Warrior
Hometown Greengale, USA
Action & Adventure Club Member
Fantasmal Fighters Member
Worldwide Hyperball League Member
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