

Located in the center of the Jikandi Desert, Penrook Island was for a long time an unoccupied piece of land. Two hundred years ago the exiled Chorisian archmage Vasanter made a deal with Baphomet and created a portal to the Abyss that opens for one minute at each dusk at the center of Penrook Island. Their plan was to spend two years gathering a massive army of demons to swarm across Menerem. It likely would have worked if Vasanter had not approached the mummy lord Hebina for assistance. The Shadow Council had long been looking for an opportunity to gain favor with the nations of Menerem and this was it. After informing the leaders of Menerem, the combined forces of the living and undead armies were able to defeat the not-yet prepared demon army.

Despite the best living and undead minds studying the portal they could find no way to close the portal. Instead, they decided to leave a fortification to kill any demons that cross each day. Since they would have to set up a garrison they decided to establish an independent city to act as a diplomatic site to negotiate international agreements and disputes as well as address external threats.

With the rise of nongovernment companies in wealth and influence, they managed to maneuver themselves into power in the independent city-state. Technically, the political parties of Penrook are not affiliated with the trading houses but it would not take a deep investigation to uncover the connections. Penrook has become the center of banking, with the majority of corporations placing their headquarters within the city to take advantage of their control over taxes and laws.

The Portal Guard is still rigorously funded and staffed by the most elite combatants from around Menerem. Most days few demons of any strength pass through the portal but one to two times every ten years a larger force charge through. Being a and prestige, and after retirement many find lucrative posts in government or with the wealthiest corporations.

Penrook is also home to a vibrant underworld, catering all illicit needs. There are three major crime syndicates: the Grey Manors cater to the wealthy of Penrook, providing illegal goods and other vices; the End-Arounders specialize in any crime passing through the airdocks; and the Gregars run the illegal entertainment industry as well as act as fixers for more those looking to hire more violent or specialized agents.

Notable Locations

  • Lake Brack: Surrounding Penrook Island is a massive saltwater lake that supports few fish but a large number of shrimp. The outer shores are also home to impressive salt crystal formations that are home to a small ecosystem that have adapted to the arid and salty conditions.
Penrook Political Map Base Map Image
Government: Republic Ruler: Governor Linsz Gorom Wealth: High Exports: Banking, salt, crystal
Geopolitical, City-state


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