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Mentara Collective The Land of the Lost

23rd of Zesto, Season of Zenith in the Year 999 C.E. Lullsday

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The Mentara Archipelago is a series of islands comprised of four large landmasses surrounded by numerous smaller islands forming a rough ring shape. The total population of the Archipelago is roughly around 5,000,000, made up of races varying from Elves, Humans, Orcs, Dwarves; and even rarer races such as Genasi, Loxodon, and Tortles. The collective governments from the four largest land masses form a central governing body known as the Mentara Collective. The collective is a council that has absolute power over the known world, though this power is rarely needed and even less frequently used. Foor the most part the four nations and their vassall states keep to themselves, rarely meddling with the political climate of the other islands.
In the center of the archipelago is a small atoll known as Pokapu, named for a strange carving on a stone in the center of the island. It is here that the governing bodies of the four nations can send representatives to discuss trade, conflicts, and resolutions. In the current political age there is no war between nations, and as such each nation has been free to focus on stability and growth. The places where power struggles and battles due happen quite frequently is in the outlying island surrounding the nations. Most of these isles wish to be independent and self sustaining, while others struggle to feed and clothe their populations and reach out for assistance from the larger governments, sometimes joining them as vassall states or territories.
Every year around 8,000-10,000 individuals find themselves transported to Mentara under varying circumstances. Some are the result of transdimensional experiments by scientists and wizards, while others passed through some sort of transportation device and find themselves in Mentara instead of their intended destination. After the first few generations of vagrants found themselves in Mentara, the power struggles had ceases, and local governments were formed, the first central government organization emerged. This was and continues to be an organization dedicating itself to welcoming new vagrants to the islands and easing their confusion. This organization in all four major nations and is known as the Transdimensional Vagrant Agents. The T.V.A is responsible for locating new arrivals, ensuring their safety, evaluating their standing, and assigning them to a location best suited for their needs. This is a mostly harmless process in the best interest of the new arrivals, though the organization sometimes has the tough job of pulling those deemed a danger out of the general populace for further evaluation in the Four Nation Capitol of Pokapu
Of the four nations theAquancian Empire is home to the largest population of humans in the world; around sixty to seventy percent of the people living in the Empire are of some sort of human lineage. Strangely this isle seems to have an over-abundance of water; there are massive mountains that have massive waterfalls flowing from their peaks. The Union of Feuer is the home of the Orcs, who contrary to most world's perception are actually quite amiable, though generally a little socially inept. The South-Eastern border of this island is a massive sprawling jungle, while the rest of the island is covered in a massive desert named Pruster. The Erden Colonies is the largest supplier of raw materials such as coal, lumber, and stone out of the four nations; this island is populated mostly by industrious and hardy dwarves who are masters at working with the materials so abundently found here. In the middle of the island is an expansive mountain range, the tallest of which can be seen from all four major islands, surrounded by a sprawling pine forest. Lastly is the Lyfthen Monarchy, a country of artisans and trade workers populated mostly by the elves, and ruled by a powerful queen. The island is mostly comprised of expansive prairies, with a few extremely tall mountains dotting the landscape; many elves choose to call these massive peaks their homes.
While the Collective is seemingly split along racial biases, this is less a case of political conflict and more of a preference by the various races. The humans just happen to find the climate and geography of Aquancia to be the best fit for them, and likewise for the other three major races and their homes. Those who find themselves transported to Mentara are under no obligation to live in the location selected for them by the T.V.A and are free to choose for themselves where to live, despite this trends still seem to show up time and again. Individuals may also select their residency less from aspects geography and climate, and more from the economic trends of the country; such as available jobs and the types of people already located there. Overall, Mentara is a place of peace, prosperity, and understanding and has been for the last 999 years of their recorded history.